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  1. eissa

    Courier six in independent ending, printing money like bottlecaps just like Hub's own

    Backed by Hoover Dam production, water and electricity. Assuming that he does not continue the deal Mr House made with NCR (95% output goes to NCR while Vegas got 5%). As we know Hub made bottlecaps are backed by water and still valuable during NCR economic downturn. Bonus point: Use the excess...
  2. eissa

    New roadmap for Old World Blues, a Fallout themed HOI4 Mod

    This mod is basically the only reason i spent time playing the much nerfed latest installment of HoI series. The mod added not just Choose Your Own Adventure like mission and graphical content, but also added way to emulate robotic armies to not costing your manpower at all and other cool stuff...
  3. eissa

    Civilization VI; a return to the old style?

    Total biscuit has doing a first impression of it btw, so if you have any doubt regarding the game before go watch it. I think, aside the graphic and some ahistorical choice regarding some civilization, its neat. So far the only complaint; - The Artstyle is bit too cartoony, also the animation...
  4. eissa

    Nuka break is canceled :(((

    I haven't watch this, but the description were not exactly suggest something nice happen. its says "Wayside Creations got shafted by Geek and Sundry through Investor Fraud." Noooo
  5. eissa

    Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel comes to PS4 October 25

    to confirm this isn't fake
  6. eissa

    Rpg watch

    Does anyone here often visting rpg watch forums? i know rpg codex is more popular in here. seem more civil than rpg codex too. hell sometimes i wonder why rpg codex was not just placed in deep web domain instead, due to their forum habit
  7. eissa

    Kojima production and death stranding thread

    my head is spinning, i dont get a fucking clue except through yong own explanation
  8. eissa

    do you think its canon that all pre-war packaged food never expire?

    new vegas implies this to be.... canon (depending on what your opinion about gameplay and story segregation) but what your opinion guys? there is lot way to preserve food; irradiation, vacuum seal, etc.. do you think this is possible at all?
  9. eissa

    [E3 2016] Call Of Cthulhu - E3 Trailer

    Call of Cthulhu: insanity is the only path for truth The E3 trailer for Call of Cthulhu, the official video game adaptation of Chaosium’s pen & paper RPG, rises from the depths. Developed for consoles and PC by Cyanide Studio in Paris, Call of Cthulhu will offer an RPG-Investigation title...
  10. eissa

    CDPR thank to you Gamers! - CDPR Apreciation thread

    A final "Thank you" card from CD Projekt Red Goodbye CDPR, i'll wait for your Cyberpunk 2077. if the Great War dont take the head start first
  11. eissa

    Interactive, detailed map of Fallout Universe

    imagine if you get fallout games that set on entire american wasteland this would be the Map that appear on pip boy..whoo source...
  12. eissa

    few Screenshot of Phoenix Point, the new open world stategy develop the X-COM creator

    sorry for the typo in title, cant edit it and its bit too late i guess Here’s the first screenshot from Phoenix Point, the new open world strategy title from original XCOM: UFO Defense creator Julian Gollop. Gollop and his new studio, Snapshot Games, will be demoing the game at E3 in Los...
  13. eissa

    Might be a hint for the possibility of Quake reboot

    If Id tech do both single player and MP, not like what bethesda do to Doom mp i'm gonna like it. (image: the night sentinel with doomguy)
  14. eissa

    Dishonored 2 Releasing on November 11th

    Games Informer article Today Arkane Studios revealed its highly anticipated stealth action game Dishonored 2 is nearly ready for prime time. Bethesda has locked in a worldwide release date of November 1 also game informer promise to do online covering tomorrow...
  15. eissa

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 101 Trailer

    looks cool, though now i know the reason why they delaying the games because some of the graphci have been downgraded
  16. eissa

    DOOM 2016 SinglePlayer Preview

    well, looks like the game play were fast paced enough, got some "supercar" speed there Spah mahrine
  17. eissa

    replaying new vegas, mod sugestion

    once i play new vegas vanilla plus dlc, but without mod. after slight dissapoint with fallout 4 i just want real rpg to playing again. this time, though i want gamebyro graphic flaw to be little noticeable as possible. so looking a sugestion for graphic mod and gameplay as well ( and enb) my...