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  1. Knight In Leather Armor

    So what’s the status on Wasteland 3?

    Have we gotten any news or anything on it? The crowdfunding page went silent a bit ago. Is there any new updates for 2018?
  2. Knight In Leather Armor

    Is anybody good with computers? I need help with a virus.

    Didn't really know where to put this here, but I've been trying to get help as best I could. So it started about two years ago when I bought Fallout New Vegas on my laptop(I know, not even a gaming laptop. I still kept a pretty good frame rate with mods though.) and a while later my computer...
  3. Knight In Leather Armor

    Favorite/Best United States President?

    So departing from that embarrassment of a thread I just made I want to ask what NMA thinks on who is the best US president. President Trump counts, and I like him, but you know. He just started out so he hasn't done a ton. The president could by alive or have passed away long ago such as JFK...
  4. Knight In Leather Armor

    My experience roleplaying in Fallout 4.

    So with the release of console mods I quickly downloaded as many different things I could, new guns, alternate starts, etc, and I wanted to make my own character and backstory like I did in New Vegas. So I'm going to tell NMA about my experience. So I started out just outside of Diamond City's...
  5. Knight In Leather Armor

    Is Bethesda baiting the console modding community with Remastered Skyrim?

    So Fallout 4 console mods was a shitfest. I mean all I tried to do was download mods and enjoy myself as much as I could with Fallout 4, and I kinda did. But the constant flame wars between the PC Elitests and the Console Elitests is extremely distracting. But now with Skyrim Remastered coming...
  6. Knight In Leather Armor

    Fallout 4 and the "Paid Mod DLC" controversy

    Ello NMA, I wanted to discuss something or simply rant. I'll be talking about the Fallout 4 DLC being simply paid mods and how I agree and disagree with it. Keep in mind this is all my opinion, so dun hurt me too hard pls Anyways, let's talk about how the recent DLC's in Fallout 4 are...
  7. Knight In Leather Armor

    Lone Wolf Radio and its rumors.

    I always thought the whole Lone Wolf Radio rumors about how there'd be a bunch of children to kill one by one on the radio. I always thought it'd be kinda funny to just never do the quest and just always have it tuned it for as long as you could. But anyways, I think that it could've been...
  8. Knight In Leather Armor

    Your Waifu/Husbando/Best Male/Girl in New Vegas?

    I want to know who NMA's girlfriend/boyfriend is in New Vegas. The NPC that you'd marry or have children with. Basically, your most favorite character that you'd bang. For me personally, I'd say Veronica. My God she's so cute, yet so down to Earth. I enjoy her so much(Except on Hardcore...
  9. Knight In Leather Armor

    Replaying Fallout 3:Build Ideas?

    NMA pls this is a serious thread inb4 "why're you playing Fallout 3 and not Nv?" Well that's cause NV keeps crashing and I want to replay Fallout 3. Now, so far Fallout 3 is being reinstalled into my Xbox 1 and I've always gone with a Speech/Barter/Lockpicking build in almost every...
  10. Knight In Leather Armor

    So I look up "Fallout 1 massive battles"

    I was kinda hoping to see a bunch of cool Fallout 1/2 battles similar to Fallout Online. Of course not though, Fallout 4 is obviously better. Also some kid in my class said Fallout 4 is better than 2. When I asked if Fallout 2 was in first, third, or overhead view perspective, he said first.
  11. Knight In Leather Armor

    Fallout 5 should have breast sliders.

    And I'm not talking about going from a flat chest to a B cup. Like Xenoblade Chronicles X original non-American version. NMA's thoughts?
  12. Knight In Leather Armor

    Beginners Guide to Fallout:Equestria

    The Brony community isn't exactly the best community on the Internet, as they're pretty.. Err. Annoying. But something that can definitely be remembered from them is their literature. Fan fiction runs deep within every fandom from Superman to The Walking Dead and you're bound to get fanfiction...
  13. Knight In Leather Armor

    So Bethesda wants to bring back paid mods... Here's pwoof of dis bull NMA's thoughts? I personally hate it. People can easily copy mods and sell them for money. Too many bad things could happen. Keep in mind that BethSoft has already been...
  14. Knight In Leather Armor

    Fallout 4 DLC Ideas

    Since Fallout 4 is the best RPG in existence and always will be(and if you say different Todd Howard will slit your throat in your sleep) let's come up with DLC ideas for our Gods above, Bethesda So I'm thinking of the best DLC ever Aliens on the Moon Only available through pre-order, this...
  15. Knight In Leather Armor

    The only thing FO4 did right

    Berets Seriously, berets look so much nicer in FO4. In FNV the regular beret(not first recon) looked like it was tiny, unable to fit your head. Boone's 1st Recon looks cool but looks super dirty.
  16. Knight In Leather Armor

    Does Bethesda know they messed up?

    I need honest opinions, does Bethesda know they messed up Fallout 4 and will attempt to do better when Fallout 5 comes around? And in case you don't know Deacon's voice actor has confirmed FO:5 is in pre-production. Could FO:5 be an actual RPG and Bethesda realized they messed up Fallout 4?
  17. Knight In Leather Armor

    Institute Kidnappings?

    Were the people who were kidnapped by the Insitute ever shown? Did the Institue ever explain why? I don't really know. It's probably in a terminal entry somewhere but reading Fallout 4's terminals is just as exciting as watching cheese become moldy. Also, did it ever explain what happened to the...
  18. Knight In Leather Armor

    Places that had potential

    Lets name off some places in Fallout 4 that had potential but was utterly wasted by Bethesda! (inb4 all of the locations) There's a massive cargo ship on the south western part of the map that harbors unique raiders. This raider gang is an all ghoul raider gang with a twist, they're all from...
  19. Knight In Leather Armor

    Ghoul Lorebreaking

    Anybody find it very frustrating that Bethesda just didn't give a shit about ghouls and gave (most) of them full heads of hair? I mean yeah, there were Ghouls with hair like Desmond Lockhart, but he was a rare case just like several other ghouls, now in the Commonwealth (almost) every non-feral...
  20. Knight In Leather Armor

    WL2:Best Guide to Recruits

    I've been experimenting with lots of different recruits/companions in Wasteland 2 and I've come up with a guide for them. Make sure to tell me how I did! Here's my list with drawbacks and good traits. Keep in mind I have kept out Brother Thomas and Ertan because I've yet to reach them and the...