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  1. a721402

    Surviving the aftermathc - brought to you by people who made Tropico and Surviving Mars

    I guess it's a good thing that it only have early access of Epic Store, hopefully the 1.0 of it will be good.
  2. a721402

    Bethesda take over Human Head Studios, kinda.

    AN UPDATE FROM HUMAN HEAD STUDIOS And human head studios at the end eventually lost against Bethesda and fade away, guess they're never been able to recover from the cancellation of Prey 2.
  3. a721402

    Your earliest memory about gaming?

    When and where did you played your first video games, and what game is it? For me i can still remember playing doom 1 inside my father's office with one of those computers he built, around 5 or 6 years old maybe. Also I remember my mother become very angry after that because news back there...
  4. a721402

    Yakuza will be on Steam soon. Sega finally decided to make a PC port for this game, wonder if rest of the series will follow.
  5. a721402

    Dying Light 2 and MCA

    So Techland finally found someone else do the writing, and it's Chris Avellone! Water as money sounds good, have some factions can choose to join or against also nice, and choices and consequences. Could be the game worth to looking foward to.
  6. a721402

    Obsidian’s Feargus Urquhart on publishers See Feargus talking about publisher, and also mention about issues with those strange case of QA of publisher they encountered back there, and why Obsidian still looking for a publisher right after the Incident happened.
  7. a721402

    RPG Codex Interview: Josh Sawyer at GDC Europe 2016 Mostly talking about the Pillars of Eternity, but there also quite a few of questions about NV and some of Obsidian's old games. There are some interesting point he made, I like to point out a few, but I think it's best to see for yourself.
  8. a721402

    Konami hit Unreal Engine Castlevania remake with cease and desist After MGSV and P.T, here is another reason to @Fuckonami.
  9. a721402

    Humble Bundle and its Dirt. DiRT 3 is free on Humble Bundle for a limited time, get it while you can. I hope this kind of news is ok to post here.
  10. a721402

    "Bethesda Outline Anti-Consumer Review Policy" by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Just to point out a few of more important(or at least i believe it is) parts to read, to get the full story i suggest you check the link. Guess they believe they can do everything they want as long those...
  11. a721402

    Chris Avellone and his shelter. "I want to write quests for #FalloutShelter" If that really happened, will Fallout Shelter become better Fallout than Fallout4?
  12. a721402

    Lawless Legends - a Bard's Tale like game on Apple II. So there is someone making a game for Apple II, and in the style of good old Bard's Tale, is...
  13. a721402

    Wasted on Steam. It looks like poorman's fallout 4, with more interesting dungeon crawling and better sense of humor. And lots of bear traps, many more than those placed by ghost people in Dead Money.
  14. a721402

    Chris Avellone and his Prey. It seems Chris Avellone is working on the new Prey game. Not sure how to feel about it at this moment.
  15. a721402

    My Favourite Game - Wasteland, by Chris Avellone

    RPG Codex Page: The video: Can't wait for Wasteland 3.
  16. a721402

    Brian Fargo interviewed by Existential Gamer - talks Numenera, Wasteland 3 and small guy Vince

    RPG Codex page: The Interview: I wish Wasteland 3 come out soon...
  17. a721402

    RPG Codex Interview: Feargus Urquhart at Digital Dragons 2016 Possible WoD game in the future, and i am a bit surprised he didn't finished New Vegas, more details just click the link, and : We also interviewed ex-Obsidian Chris Avellone at Digital Dragons, so stay tuned for that next. So they interviewed with...
  18. a721402

    InSomnia (PC, Mac, Linux) by Studio MONO Brian Fargo backed this project a while ago, must say the trailer looks quite interesting, what do you think?
  19. a721402

    Something make no sense. Is they finally hired a lawyer and the lawyer start to be as a lawyer or something? i don't know why will they need to do it in this way.
  20. a721402

    Possible Ending for New Vegas.

    I always think this game missed a important ending, that is "Just walk away". And depend on what you have done while in Mojave, you either after by the mercenary right after leaving, or leave the whole Mojave in a big chaos after you disabled/killed Mr. House. And if mercenary don't come to get...