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  1. FreedomStalker

    Fallout Nevada question.

    Which options should I check when installing? I can't read what is written.
  2. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 76, just a cash grab we shouldn't worry about or something more sinister?

    Do you think Fallout 76 is just a cash grab we shouldn't worry about because they will make Fallout 5 in the future and it will kick ass. OR do you think Bethesda is trying to follow in Blizzard's footsteps?
  3. FreedomStalker

    Does Fallout 76 have a story?

    OR is it just like, wandering around with other people, fighting and scavenging?
  4. FreedomStalker

    Why are there are so many mods for Fallout 2 but no mods for Fallout?

    Fallout just has Fallout Fixt and the TeamX patches. This doesn't make sense to me because Fallout desperately needs mods more than Fallout 2 considering Fallout 2 is superior compared to Fallout in every way. YET Fallout has the potential to become just as good as Fallout 2. The game just needs...
  5. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 2 mod MIB88 Megamod version 2.46

    There is no way to download this mod. The link in the downloads here section, points to nothing. :( EDIT: Nevermind. It's because version 2.46 is obsolete. You can download version 2.47 from the main Megamod thread. Can a moderator delete this thread?
  6. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 2 mod I need help installing Fallout 2 mods.

    I've been trying to properly install Megamod, Shattered Destiny and Last Hope for Fallout 2 lately. But I keep failing to accomplish this because every time I do so and run Fallout 2, the graphics are messed up. It's all just pixels and rainbow colors. And several times, I receive error...
  7. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod 2.46 question

    I'm wondering if Megamod 2.46 is compatible with the Steam version of Fallout 2?
  8. FreedomStalker

    If you had to live in a Fallout game, where would you want to live?

    In which Fallout game, in which state and in which settlement? And in which building? :)
  9. FreedomStalker

    Good list of Russian mods?

    Can someone point me to a good list of Russian mods for Fallout and Fallout 2?
  10. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 2 mod Oblivion Lost

    Hi, I'm new to this community. Can someone tell me, where I can download the English version of this mod?