Search results

  1. Einhanderc7

    Fallout: Hordes of Vancouver

    Hello everyone, I have been working on a pen and paper scenario for Fallout. While I have been making progress I'm curious to know if our fine community would be willing to lend a hand in small minor or major ways to give the entire open world more flavor. Currently I'm still outlining...
  2. Einhanderc7

    Interrogative: Good Web Comics

    Hello everyone, I trust everyone is well or at least still simmering with the general rage commonly found among our kind. I'm bored at work and I'm curious if anyone knows of any good dedicated websites that have humorous web comics I can peruse at my leisure. If you wouldn't mind, would you...
  3. Einhanderc7

    New Years Safety Stand Down 2019

    Hello everyone, I'm quite certain many of you intend to run amok for New Years, so I decided to post a good old fashioned salty sailor safety stand down for the benefit of everyone. For those unfamiliar with the indiscretions of the fine sailors of the United States Navy just let me say one...
  4. Einhanderc7

    A Potential Future for Super Mutants?

    Hello everyone, I was discussing Super Mutants with some interested individuals and we uncovered what I think may be a way to not only save Super Mutants in the Bethesda titles, future Super Mutants, and tie them in with the Mariposa Super Mutants. How exciting! (At least I think so :grin:)...
  5. Einhanderc7

    What "New" Fallout Fans Want?

    I have been looking around and I find myself a bit confused with a lot of the requests most of the newer fans are requesting of Bethesda as well the direction Fallout should go in. To sum it up I'm seeing a lot of requests to turn Bethesda's Fallout skinned games into games intrinsically...
  6. Einhanderc7

    Future Fallout Power Armor Ideas

    Hello everyone, Its been a while since I was active, but I figured I might as well engage with some new ideas. While I know I'm setting myself up for failure in opening a discussion of a future Fallout title (We all know how its likely to turn out), but I figured I'd be optimistic for a change...
  7. Einhanderc7

    Dawn of the Tiberian Age New Campaign (Coming Soon)

    Hello everyone, I'm not sure if anyone is aware of this specific Mod/Game, and I also understand that it may sound like I'm trying to sell snake oil here. But that is not my intention, I am working with the developers of the Mod Dawn of the Tiberian Age to generate a new campaign for their Mod...
  8. Einhanderc7

    Who want's a challenge?

    Typically with popular or well received games there are various challenges to "spice" up the game play for repeated plays. While the Fallout games are substantial enough I like to think that many of us would enjoy an agreeable challenge to toy with. Therefore I'm starting this thread to allow...
  9. Einhanderc7

    What do you think is the best way to sneak in Fallout 1 & 2?

    Hello everyone, I was discussing with a friend of mine about using sneaking in combat with the original Fallout games. They had some interesting ideas, as did I; but I would very much like your take on it as well. The discussion started on how to approach hardened or well defended locations in...
  10. Einhanderc7

    The do's and don'ts of feral (kill everything) play throughs.

    Hello everyone, Every time I play a Fallout game I make it a point to do a "kill everything" run through the game. As I'm sure most of you understand particularly for the original titles such a task is monumental. However Fallout New Vegas was the only modern release that still maintained it's...
  11. Einhanderc7

    The All Guardsmen Party Animated Adaptation Project

    Hello and good morning everyone, I have been talking with "shoggy" the writer of the fine narrative; and I seem to have blundered myself into a bit of a rut. The current objective Shoggy and I have is to adapt the narrative into a visual medium...
  12. Einhanderc7

    Ideas to innovate the Fallout 1 and 2 travel system.

    Hello everyone, I was skulking around as usual and I noticed a thread about cars in the wasteland. Which of course got me to thinking about other ways to implement travel in the original Fallout games that could have impacted game play. Bicycles: While I do believe there are a couple derelict...
  13. Einhanderc7

    Why Game Developers Fear the Steam User

    Hello everyone, Today in light of how the Steam market place is exploding (again) with anger about Fallout 4 I figured I would point out some details about how serious game developers take the average Steam user. Now I'm sure everyone is thinking, how could 1 single person cause such a ruckus...
  14. Einhanderc7

    An Open Letter to Bethesda on How to Fix the Fallout Franchise

    Hello everyone, I have begun this open letter mostly in the hope that this could possibly bring about change that could benefit not only Bethesda but the fans as well. Feel free to post your thoughts as well (No inflammatory posts please). My intention is to either leave this letter here...
  15. Einhanderc7

    Lets take a moment to feel a bit better today :)

    Hello everyone, I have noticed over the past couple of days a great amount of insanity just bouncing around the forums. While some is or isn't well deserved I figured I'd start a thread for people to take a look at to hopefully boost their morale a bit. Feel free to include your own happy...
  16. Einhanderc7

    Einhanderc7's Idea of how Fallout 4 should have been designed. (Long Read)

    Hello everyone, Lately I have found myself playing Fallout 4 again because a dear friend of mine (For reasons unknown to me considering that he knows my opinion of it.) purchased for me all the DLC's for the game. I am a man that honors gifts, no matter their quality so I began to think more...
  17. Einhanderc7

    The Reintroduction of Television to the Fallout Wasteland

    Hello everyone, Today I wish to initiate the exploration of a luxury we take for granted today; in a scenario such as the Fallout wasteland. Imagine if you can for a moment that someone, out in the far reaches (or not so far) of the blasted landscape has managed to start manufacturing...
  18. Einhanderc7

    What is this silliness?

    I was reading random news articles and noticed something peculiar. Its another news article fawning over Derp Howard, for reasons unknown to me this guy is still somehow relevant. From my...
  19. Einhanderc7

    A analytical perspective, and debate of planetary colonization.

    Since I noticed a alarming amount of derp flooding the forums as of late I figured I post something to get people to productively think for a bit. I wish to initiate a discussion, and possibly a debate related to the topic of colonization of other planets. Granted we have individuals such as...
  20. Einhanderc7

    Heresy Dump

    Hello everyone, I noticed over the last couple of days that a thread has slowly been invaded by minor amounts of heresy. To stem the flow of the darkness festering in it I am trying to redirect it into one thread so as to not overflow a valid discussion topic with heresy and dank memes. Feel...