Search results

  1. Shaodeus

    What are your favourite FPS games?

    What are your top ten favourite singleplayer FPS games?
  2. Shaodeus

    What's the most evil thing you can do in Fallout?

    What's the most heinous, horrible, most wicked thing you've ever done in any of the Fallout series?
  3. Shaodeus

    How to make a good Squad based FPS Game

    What elements would you need in a squad based FPS? How would you prevent fellow squad members to get in the way when they're AI controlled? How do you make them useful without them mopping up everything which would remove player agency?
  4. Shaodeus

    Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

    So I watched the Dialogue footage of Mass Effect Andromeda and I thought that the acting and the character dialogue looked pretty atrocious. It's all too calm, the main character sounds and looks like a college girl. The "crime lord" gives her the weakest threat she could give in the most...
  5. Shaodeus

    Why does this YouTube channel have nearly two million subscribers?

    I'm a bit confused that over a million people watched this gent's videos and thought to themselves. "Oh this is interesting, I sure would like to hear more of the gentleman's ideas and theories". Though mayhap they're looking for comedy in which case I can understand that.
  6. Shaodeus

    What would a civilization of underwater fish people look like?

    So imagine you had a sentient race like the Zoras from Zelda or some such shit. How would those cats build their civilization, what would they eat? what sort of buildings would they make? where would they shit?
  7. Shaodeus

    Underrated classic games

    So we're all familiar with the big classical games from the late 90s and early 2000s that are still beloved today, Planescape Torment, Fallout 1 & 2, Baldur's gate etc. But what of the games from that era have not gotten the attention that they've deserved? Which obscure games do you think...
  8. Shaodeus

    Fun RPG Co-Op multiplayer experiences.

    I'm looking for some RPGs that are fun with multiplayer. I'm not looking for MMOs like Runescape or World of Warcraft but really more on games that go on the roleplaying aspect of things. What would you gentlemen recommend? Things like Baldur's gate for example
  9. Shaodeus

    Fallout New Vegas keeps crashing on me.

    I wanted to play New Vegas again this weekend, I loaded a game and it crashed. So eventually I uninstalled the game, reinstalled it again, reinstalled some mods, and it crashed again. Then I said fuck it and reinstalled it completely fresh and played it fresh, and it still crashes. I do see the...
  10. Shaodeus

    How deaf would everyone be if this happened in real life?

    So I was watching some X-men movie and you had a scene in it where one of the heroes is so quick that he just walks around at super fast speed catching bullets and just fucking around. And I wonder how much of a sonic boom that would cause. Also how ridiculously strong muscles and reflexes would...
  11. Shaodeus

    Would you turn yourself into a Super Mutant if you could?

    So imagine you could actually be a Super Mutant and still retain your intelligence, would you do it?
  12. Shaodeus

    Arrogant modders?

    I've been hearing talk about modders modding for their ego and being arrogant or something, what's the story behind that?
  13. Shaodeus

    Making a Fallout mod together.

    So I have been thinking, can't we make a Fallout 4 mod together here in No Mutants Allowed. Don't we have enough guys here to make something together, it doesn't have to be a giant entire Fallout game but just a total overhaul of perhaps a dlc sized area. At least that we have something that we...
  14. Shaodeus

    The real questions of life.

    So imagine that you were chosen by the outer gods to write the story for a porno, and the story must revolve around the main characters dealing with the dilemma of death and that everything in the universe will eventually all be gone and that our lives will ultimately be as if they never existed...
  15. Shaodeus

    What did you guys think about Fallout: Tactics?

    What did you think about the gameplay, story, pacing and overal concept of the game. I myself did like it for what it was, it being a tactical shooter set in the Fallout universe. Though I wish the game had actual dialogue and didn't stretch it story all over the american midwest, they should...
  16. Shaodeus

    The greatest movie of this millennium is being made

    Make way friends, put all your favourite movies aside, for they shall all be meaningless when faced with Resident Evil the final Chapter I cannot wait to witness this movie's beauty and philosophical depth, I'm probably going to cry tears of joy when I see it
  17. Shaodeus

    So has any good come from Fallout 4 in the modding community since launch?

    Have there been any mods released like maybe a new version of Dust or some sort of nature that would make my purchase of the game not a complete waste of my money?
  18. Shaodeus

    Fallout weapons discussion thread.

    Yeah lets talk some more about how effective Fallout weapons would be in real life. First two things I'm curious about would be the fatman and plasma based weaponry
  19. Shaodeus

    How would super mutants preform in the modern military?

    Would their incredible strength give them access to the use of heavier weapons? Wouldn't they be able to use some weapons? How much of a disadvantage would their size be? The average mutant is about 3.2 meters with a mass of 360 kilo and 77% muscle mass
  20. Shaodeus

    Are you concerned about a decline of family values?

    Less people are getting married and many people who do get married divorce a few years after. The number of single parents raising kids just seems to be ever increasing and I fear that many kids will suffer because of this. What's your opinion on this matter and how would you like to see it fixed?