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  1. Erich van Loon

    Favorite game over theme?

    The You Are Dead song from Total Distortion is mine.
  2. Erich van Loon

    ROME: Total War has been announced for iPad

    Your thoughts/opinions on this? I was honestly shocked when I first heard about it.
  3. Erich van Loon

    What's with America and Clickbait?

    Seriously, when ever I'm linked to some gaming blog or just a blog post in general, there will always be clickbait at the bottom of the page. Is it just America? And the names are pretty annoying too, and I haven't a clue what's inside the click-baity links, because I don't click 'em. Maybe we...
  4. Erich van Loon

    What's your favorite title theme?

    Crusader Kings II for me.
  5. Erich van Loon

    Post a remix and rate the one above you...

    I'll join the trend.
  6. Erich van Loon

    Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

    Shamelessly stolen from a reddit trend. :| Just do it.
  7. Erich van Loon

    Which games were a disaster? To what franchise?

    I dunno, but I'm gonna place my money of Empire: Total War, Rome II: Total War, and Sonic 06. Empire was very glitchy, sometimes units would shoot at a hill instead of the enemy. It gets the excuse of a new engine. Rome II, oh my god...Glitches, glitches everywhere. Battles were some shitty...
  8. Erich van Loon

    I'm getting Fallout 1 soon. Are there any bugs/glitches/exploits I should be aware of?

    I'm unsure if this post belongs here, otherwise what the titles says.
  9. Erich van Loon

    I think the endings of future Fallout games should be like Fo4's/Classic Fallout's endings.

    I did like how in Fallout 4, then ending was a little cutscene, but in the Classic fallout games, you had different ending cards for the different things you did for different places. I think if Bethy or Obsidian can find a way to make the ending a collection of mini cutscenes, while being...
  10. Erich van Loon

    A subreddit dedicated to FO4 Settlements.

    [deleted. again. by user]
  11. Erich van Loon

    So is FO4 an omen to Bethesda and the quality of their games?

    FO4 has been hyped since around '09, and now that the game has been around for a few months now, the reviews are beginning to get mixed. They had 5/6 years to perfect on everything. Obsidian made F:NV a year and half or so, and even with having to cut out content, it still did better than FO4...
  12. Erich van Loon

    Which location is the best to build settlements?

    And while were at it, what can possibly be built there?
  13. Erich van Loon

    So is the next Fallout game by Obsidian gonna be Isometric?

    I'm pretty sure Obsidian is working with Paradox Interactive to make an isometric RPG. So why wouldn't the next Obsidian Fallout game be isometric? Also, Paradox makes the best strategy games.
  14. Erich van Loon

    What is NMA? Can someone enlighten me?

    On Reddit, I heard this website was cancerous, however, I am not gonna judge you guys until I see it for myself. So I also heard you like Classic Fallout, the game trilogy I've never played/yet to play. So what do you guys do here? Are there events and such I should be aware of? Anything else?