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  1. GeorgeCostanzaTheMovie

    Any spooky locations or things in New Vegas?

    Anything creepy about this game at all? I guess most of the scariness in this game comes from the more subtle twisted humans, like the cannibals of the Ultra Luxe. But I'm thinking more spooky stuff, like creepy locations or maybe urban legends?
  2. GeorgeCostanzaTheMovie

    It's been 6-7 years, and I actually feel bad for still preferring this game.

    Ok, I'm really not that guy to just lay my hand flat on the table and spew in other's faces, hating on anything new because if it's old, it's automatically better. I hate that crap, I hated it when people did that with NV and F3 when NV was new. But now that Fallout 4 is out, I just can't get...
  3. GeorgeCostanzaTheMovie

    How hard do you make your playthroughs?

    I'm doing another playthrough of this game, and I've got Project Nevada, hardcore, and a few other mods. And I've got the difficulty nearly maxed out. Holy crap.. This is just nuts. I just got past saving Deputy Beagle in Primm, and I nearly ripped my balls off in frustration. But it's still a...
  4. GeorgeCostanzaTheMovie

    What are your favourite weapons?

    For me, the hunting shotgun, riot shotgun, assault and marksman carbines, knock-knock (unique fire axe), katana, Bozar, the 25mm APW, and the grenade machinegun are my favourites. I know they're a bit more "modern" than what is probably proper for Fallout, but they're all so much fun to fight...
  5. GeorgeCostanzaTheMovie

    This plot makes me completely unmotivated to finish the game

    Maybe I'm just preaching to the quire, but this story f_cking sucks. "We need a new thing to base are next Fallout game around", "I know! Remember that five minute lone side quest in Fallout 3 about the synths that wasn't fleshed out at all and never mentioned again?", "No.", "Well base the...