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  1. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Real funny, smartass. Seriously though, I'm done. Need to find a real challenge anyways. Cheers.
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    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Yeah I've noticed. I gave up Skyrim debates because they were just too easy and I was hoping that this would be a challenge when clearly it wasn't. Disappointing really. Still I'm proud of myself for yet another victory. Cheers.
  3. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    You're already beaten, you just don't know when to quit is all. Don't worry, I can keep this up for as long as it takes. Cheers.
  4. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Yet I've clearly proven otherwise, lol. There's no shame in admitting defeat, dude, none at all. Cheers.
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    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Ni Nice description of yourself. I've already made my point now it's your turn to make an actual argument. Cheers. This is just too easy.
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    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    I'm "wrong" yet none of you have even come close to discrediting anything I've said which is fully-backed by solid concrete facts and evidence which is turn completely reinforced by lore, in-game elements and reality as well as real world facts whilst I've literally annihilated, no obliterated...
  7. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    No shit they're not real, smart ass. The whole point of debate is to crush your opponent's argument, not pull this "personal interpretation" horseshit right when you know you'll lose. And I clearly have a lot more crushing to do. Cheers.
  8. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    I proved it in an earlier post with Bubba Zanetti and explained how they'd win in FULL DETAIL. We both know you read it you're just trying to ignore it little fanboy. Also, did you hit your head or something, really little fanboy? House confirms that in the event Kimball were to be assassinated...
  9. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    It's called "arrogance". Caesar has absolutely no idea what he's doing whatsoever, and is ultimately dooming his Legion to extinction at the hands of the Republic which, as I explained earlier, will be the default victor of the Second Battle of Hoover Dam even without Courier intervention...
  10. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Oh great, another bleeding heart Legion fanboy. First of all the Legion didn't even come close to winning the First Battle of Hoover Dam as Hanlon explains the battle in full detail which I'll explain to you as well in full detail: when the then-Malpais Legate launched his assault on Hoover Dam...
  11. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Mining exists in REPUBLIC territory not Legion territory. Legion coin is made from SCAVENGED gold and silver not mined gold and silver The Republic has gold mines in Redding, that's confirmed. Name one mine in Legion territory. The Republic has been...
  12. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    OK now I definitely know that you have no idea what you're talking about. The NCR can more than easily defend their territory, most particularly the Core Regions. The Core Regions of the Republic are safer than they've ever been, with the Raiders either being killed off or chased off (Jas...
  13. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    I used innuendo because the "tribute" is in fact government-sponsored extortion albeit extortion for the greater good rather than greed or corruption as I explained to you earlier. "Shakedown" by no means implies "swindling" or "corruption" it just means that they take the "tribute" whether you...
  14. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Look I'm not trying to make the Legion seem like a bunch of savages, alright as I'll admit that yes what Caesar did to pacify Arizona is very impressive indeed and the Legion does more or less have the potential to become one of the greatest nations in existence. But that potential can only be...
  15. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    How is collecting tribute "corruption" exactly? If Caesar orders his subjects to give "tribute" ("tribute" as in government-sponsored extortion which is not done out of "corruption" but out of necessity as it would definitely be so much easier to just collect "tribute" than to scour the Wastes...
  16. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    I never said said that Legion territories weren't safe I said that they were grossly underdeveloped which is true. Legion territories are extremely safe even safer than NCR territories which says something. In the words of Rose of Sharon Cassidy "roads back West were safer than most places...
  17. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    You keep comparing the second largest continent in the world with far greater natural resources and arable farmland to the world's smallest continent that depends on importing natural resources to sustain itself which makes no sense. The NCR is far larger than the Legion, controlling everything...
  18. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    As much as I respect J.E. Sawyer there's nothing in that quote that even slightly suggests that there's any real infrastructure in Caesar's Legion (though I'll concede that I was wrong the Legion does have infrastructure after all). The word "productive" just means profitable as traders, for...
  19. A

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    When I said "so now what do you think" I was just asking his opinion on my opinion I wasn't saying I won though Izak really isn't making any sense if you ask me. Also if my original comment hadn't deleted itself you'd have gotten a clearer view of my argument.