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  1. AsianPerson7

    Fallout 1 radiation The Glow

    The thing is I already took a crap ton of radiation damage
  2. AsianPerson7

    Fallout 1 radiation The Glow

    Hi, I just bought the original fallout 1 and I too am stuck at dayglow. I have flache but I need to ask two things. I need the link to the inventory editor mod and is there away to go rid of radiation poisoning in a character editor mod?
  3. AsianPerson7

    Fallout-esque RP (Role-Playing)

    So, I just joined a few hours ago, but where I'm originally from (forum-wise) there were a TON of RPs. Anyway, I've thought about this for a while, but, I'm starting a post-apocolytipc RP. It's called "After The Fall" and while it's not finished yet, I starting to recruit members from another...
  4. AsianPerson7

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    So... Um... Hey! So a few hours ago, I found out that Fallout 2 had mods and I was surprised by that and so I got onto my computer and searched up the obvious, "Fallout 2 Mods" and one of the links was to the Nexus Mod Pages about Fallout 2 Mods. But that wasn't what caught my attention, what...