Lost Hills is the headquarters of the entire Brotherhood of Steel but the thing is, NCR and the Brotherhood have been in war for quite a while now and the location of Lost Hills was public knowledge even before there was an NCR. Hell, Lost Hills is located in Maxson, one of the five founding...
This has probably been posted here before but its always an interesting one..... in a twisted kind of way.
Recently i had one claim that it somehow makes sense that a supermarket 200 years after the war would still have food in it simply because there are less people around than there were...
I posted on Facebook about the stupid shit about how Bethesda retconned the way Jet was invented and about how stupid Kid in the Fridge is and the amount of people defending that was ridiculous.
About half of the people were saying how its completely plausible that Jet was a pre-war drug and...
Well you could at least call them hypocrites, considering that they declared Fallout Tactics non-canon for its canon issues. Then they release Fallout 4 as a canon game for the series, which has as much if not more canon errors than Tactics had.
I hate it. Aliens should have never been anything more than an easter egg. Out of all the stupid things Bethesda has done for the series, making aliens a canon part of the storyline is the worst. It would be okay if Bethesda just came and declared it non-canon but instead they just expanded on...
I don't really watch current seasons, when i watch anime, i just watch things i heard were good and even then, i don't watch anime that often.
Out of the ones i have watched, Code Geass is definitely the one that ended up being my favorite.
Not sure would i call them funny, considering that its kinda depressing that there are people who try to find an excuse for even an objective flaw.
Well, "mods fix it" is one thing pretty much every single Bethesda fanboy out there will tell you, to which i say that "a game must be really poor...
True, Skyrims world was better and i guess Bethesda has a better idea on how to build worlds in that universe since they created that universe. But as i said, i think its decent, not great.
The shooting is pretty good though as pointed above, Bethesda did not make the shooting mechanics. The main issue is the lack of really challenging enemies in a very Bethesda way. The open world also at least makes some sense this time around since we don't have shit like people building towns...
Except the open world part, that was Bethesda and they actually did a fairly decent job with that. Having more dangerous enemies spawn to the south of the map is also pretty good, much better than only having more powerful enemies spawning when your level is high enough. Would certainly help if...
How about a game set in NCR where your choices would determine whether it collapses or not? Would be much more interesting than just being told that one of the biggest players in the wasteland collapsed. Though knowing how games work, NCR not collapsing probably ends up being canon. Still, an...