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  1. AlphaSlayerZX

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Is that the Trumpster? If so, then 9/10.
  2. AlphaSlayerZX

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    porch monkey/10
  3. AlphaSlayerZX

    Late reply, but whatever. I genuinely like Spider-Man Homecoming and all, but thinking it's...

    Late reply, but whatever. I genuinely like Spider-Man Homecoming and all, but thinking it's better than something like Spider-Man 2 is absolutely ridiculous.
  4. AlphaSlayerZX

    Well established characters ruined by new material

    Obligatory mention of Netflix's "Death Note" movie and how they turned Light Yagami, oh I mean, "Light Turner" into an average teenage kid who's essentially forced to do what he does either because of Ryuk or because he wants to get inside a certain girl's pants.
  5. AlphaSlayerZX

    I'm back.

    I'm back.
  6. AlphaSlayerZX

    Hai pupper

    Hai pupper
  7. AlphaSlayerZX

    Respect Rich Evans

    Respect Rich Evans
  8. AlphaSlayerZX

    Are Fallout Fan Boys Blinded By Nostalgia?

    How is 8/10 "above average"? Wouldn't that be 6/10?
  9. AlphaSlayerZX

    Rich Evans is America's national treasure

    Rich Evans is America's national treasure
  10. AlphaSlayerZX

    Oxhorn: a solid Reference for Fallout Lore.

    Compared to Shoddycast's lore videos, I guess I would prefer his videos more. Since they feel a bit more interesting to watch and don't seem to have any fanfiction-y elements or stories to them. But then again that really isn't saying much.
  11. AlphaSlayerZX

    I suppose he is good, too bad he got cucked out of Ant-Man tho.

    I suppose he is good, too bad he got cucked out of Ant-Man tho.
  12. AlphaSlayerZX

    Yeah, i've noticed that as well. I can understand that considering there's little or few news or...

    Yeah, i've noticed that as well. I can understand that considering there's little or few news or topics to discuss since Fallout 4.
  13. AlphaSlayerZX

    I'm back from the dead again.

    I'm back from the dead again.
  14. AlphaSlayerZX

    Fallout: The Frontier.

    This looks pretty impressive for a mod. If this shows what the rest of the Frontier would be like then I guess I would be satisfied for the most part.
  15. AlphaSlayerZX

    it all happened when the Discord nation attacked

    it all happened when the Discord nation attacked
  16. AlphaSlayerZX

    I am not dead anymore.

    I am not dead anymore.
  17. AlphaSlayerZX

    Can the virus kill the Grimace?

    Can the virus kill the Grimace?
  18. AlphaSlayerZX

    My current stance on this franchise

    I'm kinda in the same boat as everyone to say it should die, but to be honest I still have some hope for a good fallout game. Also yes, I think Fallout should continue through some comics. I think it has potential.
  19. AlphaSlayerZX

    Yeah it was a good show for a pasty mexican like myself.

    Yeah it was a good show for a pasty mexican like myself.
  20. AlphaSlayerZX

    Nah it's Bat-Mite

    Nah it's Bat-Mite