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  1. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Just to clarify what happened, i tried to steal from him, he said something like "Hey dont touch that" i went shit, saved and stole again, succeded. then talked to him o get the radscorpion cave quest, all worked fine and went and cleared the cave, when i came back for "reward" that wierd...
  2. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Yes but not now, i did that before i went into the cave. He just says to not steal and you can still talk to him. This happens after coming back from the cave, and after getting the quest.´ I got the quest after i tried to steal from him btw.
  3. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Got it, heres a savegame. Not much information can be given, just finished clearing the radscorpion cave, went into town with a weapon on getting some remarks. Trying to talk to Aradesh gives that thing about human armor and he turns hostile.
  4. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    So this wierd thing happens if i try to talk to Aradesh, cant seem to find if someone else posted it (maybe searched for wrong terms). He also goes hostile.
  5. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    So having some problems with the BoS bunker, looked through the thread to see several having the same problem, but no answers on how to work around it. Same old, same old, you can enter the location and get the quest (new Siege location etc) but when you come back you cannot enter since you...
  6. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    it would seem killing Tubby before doing that quest messed it up pretty bad. This new char didn't kill Tubby and completed all those quests without problems, you actually report to Lucas or w/e his name is, the right hand man. The basements quests worked perfectly now, even if you visited them...
  7. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    So what I've noticed when trying to work for the Wright family, the dad instantly hates me and shoots on sight, even after talking to their son. At first i thought it was the child killer and grave digger karma perks, but now with a brand new char the problem still exists. Also, scouting the...
  8. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Its a scripting problem.
  9. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    Seems the trait Finesse actually bugs out unarmed damage pretty much, even if you get a +5-8 max melee damage boost, and even if you are using Power Fist (even Mega version) you still do weak damage hand to hand. I had the same problem as Naoki and tried a character without finesse, now i...
  10. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Are you using the trait Finesse? I had the same problem, but i just critted on the head and made every enemy unconscious. Even with power fist i did low damage, but when i didn't choose finesse i actually did decent damage unarmed.
  11. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    I had the same problem when I was using the GOG version. You need to install it with an actual CD/iso and choose maximum install. Uninstall GOG version, restart computer, find a orginal CD/iso of the game and make a install path into C:\Fallout2 for the least amount of problems, use maximum...
  12. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Same as before, no difference if your 20 or 1. Not sure though if they have EXP or level every 2-3 of your levels. Either you've done something wrong (wrong choice or failed something) or a just a bug. Try to load a earlier save and try to replicate it to see. EDIT: Then again when i think...
  13. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    Yea wow all this actually makes alot sense, I was trying myself to find what thing/quest failed in the varials but i just missed this one. It easily worked, but hypothetically, if you accidentally (forcefully) do the same thing in Bunker 21, you can change it in the variables just the same as...
  14. Oggrr

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    SPECS: Windows 7 64-bit. Latest MEGAMOD fresh install. Hello there fellow huma-ans. Love the mod so far but encounters a game-ending bug it seems. I'm trying to leave the small area north-east of the Den, the one with a ghoul and a car crash. When i try to leave i get the end-game screen from...