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  1. GroundZero

    My review of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (3/10)

    Oh for sure, I mean, if losing your vocal chords doesn't justify fair pay then.... MD is definitely the calm before the storm. We'll probably be targeting towards Versalife (Hong Kong probably) and hopefully have Eliza help us put down Picus. Nah, it'll definitely be over the grave of...
  2. GroundZero

    My review of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (3/10)

    Imagine seeing two gravelly voiced and passive protagonist meeting each other, one of the most awkward staring competition and will probably induced some sort of voice fetish. I thought so too but then, Jensen has been always in the middle of every conspiracies, plus the fact he's the only...
  3. GroundZero

    Stop being so dead losers

    Still breaking in this NMA chair, getting comfy, posting here and there but rarely. 2016 was fine, just good ol' routine of an average Joe. But hey, I got a new processor for my PC during the middle of the year. (I'm broke as fuck)
  4. GroundZero

    My review of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (3/10)

    Is it me or Alex Vega is one of the most Street Fighter-ish name ever? Also, are the franchise close to tying in with the first game? I would like to go full "NANOMACHINES, SON!" If I remember correctly, once Jensen joined the Juggernaut Collective (actually took me a while before realizing he...
  5. GroundZero

    Thoughts on Fallout 4

    Don't really like Fallout 4, but I guess I got my money's worth? I don't know, the settlement thing pulled me in a little, but the fact it's all over the whole game and and would could've been actual settlement ("Great Green Jewel" my ass), is dumb. What breaks the game for me, besides their...
  6. GroundZero

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    Whenever they ran out of rebuttals, they will resort to insults. At that point, I think it's best to just end the "discussion" there. Still though, the funniest will always be the whole "50 more/less hours deal". I can never wrap my head around how that is fully valid as a point of argument.
  7. GroundZero

    My review of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (3/10)

    I think they were expecting us to read the comics/novels before diving into Mankind Divided. Personally, I always hated those kinds of practices. As for the game itself, I agree especially on the part where it just stops. I'd at least expected a good enough story like in HR but was disappointed...