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  1. K

    is it possible to download the older version of the mode , or maybe you could upload it?

    is it possible to download the older version of the mode , or maybe you could upload it?
  2. K

    Sorry for bothering you, but again I have a problem... I followed the overseer by train, I find...

    Sorry for bothering you, but again I have a problem... I followed the overseer by train, I find him, but when I start the dialogue with the body at Goverment Shelter, the game crashes. PS I think it might be the prblem with grabbing the text, somebody had already mentioned it XCSmotrt...
  3. K

    Fallout of Nevada - overseer problem

    Up... Help please, I am stuck and can't contiunue the game...
  4. K

    thanks for your answer

    thanks for your answer
  5. K

    Sorry for bothering you, but again I have a problem... I followed the overseer by train, I find...

    Sorry for bothering you, but again I have a problem... I followed the overseer by train, I find him, but when I start the dialogue with the body at Goverment Shelter, the game crashes. PS I think it might be the prblem with grabbing the text, somebody had already mentioned it XCSmotrt...
  6. K

    Fallout of Nevada - overseer problem

    I followed the overseer by train, I find him, but when I start the dialogue with the body at Goverment Shelter, the game crashes. I think it might be the problem with dialogue lines, as I had a similar one befroe, and some of you, kind guys, helped me :) Can I ask you for help again? Thank...
  7. K

    Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question

    @Snikers , do you happen to know how I fix the train computer at the station?
  8. K

    Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question

    Indeed! It was on the floor at the base. thank you , Snikers!
  9. K

    Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question

    wow, this must be it! This quest is active. However, I do not know what device it is? I can talk to bikers at Battle Mountain, no hint from them. Coul;d you tell me what device it is ?
  10. K

    Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question

    Yes, in Hawthorne. All quests from my "total recall" list are done / crossed out, so I do not know what to do now....
  11. K

    Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question

    I went through the hangar in Zone 51, it shows me that I found some info about Vault 8, yet I am stuck - i don't know where to go now to proceed with the main quest. Can somebody help? Thank you.
  12. K

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Thank you! How could I miss it ;)
  13. K

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    I am stuck at hangar entrance at Zone 51. I restored electricity. But how to open the hangar door and inside?
  14. K

    fallout of nevada - bugged item

    Thanks a lot, I forgot that this is the way things are in Fallout! Thanks.
  15. K

    fallout of nevada - bugged item

    I realized I cannot use my sniper rifle. I can see it, I can equip it, but it is not possible to use / reload / aim / etc. Any ideas? Maybe sb could have a look at my save?
  16. K

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    is it possible to progress with the game though? with the main plot?
  17. K

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Guys , I finished the Las Vegas mayor quest, som complex and great! Now - a policeman has been murdered in the Clean City district, I have no clue what to do about it, help please! Thanks.
  18. K

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    You must wait a few days, they're fixing smth about it now
  19. K

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout of Nevada, thoughts, impressions and opinion

    Sorry for posting same thing again, but this thread seems more appropriate. could somebody help me find out who the owner of the lab is? I miss some evidence. I already have Larry on Philips, Tom parker's receipt, O.Davis receipt, receipt form Kennel, drug dealer about Philips
  20. K

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    I figured out how to record the conversation with the ghoul at the Dead Hotel. Still, could somebody help me find out who the owner of the lab is? I miss some evidence. I already have Larry on Philips, Tom parker's receipt, O.Davis receipt, receipt form Kennel, drug dealer about Philips