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  1. The Golden Mask

    Gun Control

    Well like I said I'm far from some gun expert thought I'd give it a shot
  2. The Golden Mask

    Gun Control

    I'll be honest I have a more right leaning way of looking at things but i'm at an odd area with gun control. While I do defend the second amendment I think we do need to get a better hand on who owns a gun like maybe a person with a history of mental issues probably shouldn't own a fire arm...
  3. The Golden Mask

    So how's your day going today! : )

    So how's your day going today! : )
  4. The Golden Mask

    So what is wrong with internet athiests?

    I think it has to do mostly with a sort of ego let me explain. While a lot of Athiest i'm sure aren't like this guy I think with today's way of thinking most Athiest seem to have this idea that they're intelligence is somehow way superior to those who follow a religion. They seem to think that...
  5. The Golden Mask

    I heard rumors saying the next Fallout game will use the classic style seen in 1 and 2

    I heard rumors saying the next Fallout game will use the classic style seen in 1 and 2
  6. The Golden Mask

    Lets take a moment to feel a bit better today :)

    Actually I would disagree with you on that tbh if it's the text thing i'll stop that but as for the gun control post I made actually did fit the discussion I also find it funny how between the two of us you've shown nothing but rudeness I would hardly call your warning posts polite either.
  7. The Golden Mask

    YouTube drama and WWE really aren't that much different when you think about it

    YouTube drama and WWE really aren't that much different when you think about it
  8. The Golden Mask

    Black Lives Matter

    The way I see it Black Lives matter wants to be seen as a good group supporting black Americans but honestly they're just a giant nuisance I mean do I need to bring up the Bernie Sanders protest they literally kicked the man off his own stage the same man might I add who supports black people...
  9. The Golden Mask

    What's your poison?

    A tie between Dr Pepper and Mr Pibb I like both but I think Mr Pibb is slightly sweeter.
  10. The Golden Mask

    I love FNV to bits I just wish Bethesda didn't make Obsidian Entertainment rush it.

    I love FNV to bits I just wish Bethesda didn't make Obsidian Entertainment rush it.
  11. The Golden Mask

    I'm back and already loving the new profile header tbh : )

    I'm back and already loving the new profile header tbh : )
  12. The Golden Mask

    Lets take a moment to feel a bit better today :)

    Okay so let me get this straight this one post about a jar of mayo which is meant to be silly given ya know this whole forums about spreading some positive vibes I get how the other posts might be an "issue" or whatever but seriously this is where I draw the line? Either you have some sort of...
  13. The Golden Mask

    How old will you be on October 23, 2077?

    I'll probably be like 1 if I had to guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. The Golden Mask

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    DiS iS pErTy GuD bUt I tHiNk I jUsT mIgHt Be AbLe To ToP iT.
  15. The Golden Mask

    Lets take a moment to feel a bit better today :)

    MaN iS tHiS eVeN sAfE fOr WoRk!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  16. The Golden Mask

    Hi so this is a response to you asking for an explanation to which you do deserve so allow me to...

    Hi so this is a response to you asking for an explanation to which you do deserve so allow me to explain see in the beginning it was dark but then there was light then planets then a bunch of other really cool stuff and now we're here I hope this cleared any confusion and I do hope to have...
  17. The Golden Mask

    So can we all just agree that the Earth is neither flat or round but actually a triangle

    So can we all just agree that the Earth is neither flat or round but actually a triangle
  18. The Golden Mask

    Real talk though why does my "INSERT WITTY TEXT" keep making noise?

    Real talk though why does my "INSERT WITTY TEXT" keep making noise?