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  1. TheWhiskySix

    Post The Funniest Video You Can Think Of

    This shit is old AF and very much a basic humor vid, but even 6 years after kitty0706 (rip) made this, I still find myself laughing at a few of these jokes. Have fun.
  2. TheWhiskySix

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6/10 well made, but it's very dark & difficult to see.
  3. TheWhiskySix

    best way to get xp?

    yea I feel your pain man, leveling up after ~60+ gets to be a real bitch to do. have fun with fighting allota gunners man
  4. TheWhiskySix

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Good song, but it is a bit too sappy for my tastes, 7/10 would recommend. Alright, heres a classic rap song by "The house of Pain" called Jump Around.
  5. TheWhiskySix

    best way to get xp?

    early game (0-20): build FUCKTONS of wood fence poles/ clear out locations mid game (21-60): do quests/ go and kill shit late game (61+): do radiant quests or unfinished quests/ clear out the Gunners Plaza and Quincey repeatedly
  6. TheWhiskySix

    what is your favorite unique weapon in Fallout New Vegas?

    "That Gun" is one of the few (if not the only) pistol in F:NV that can use anti armor rounds due to it using 5.56 rounds instead of 9 or 10 mm rounds. (It also packs a hellava punch to boot)
  7. TheWhiskySix

    Mods you hate or dislike

    man I remember playing the enclave revival mod for FNV. it's good overall, but near the end u have to fight "Frank Horrigan" (a reskined behemoth) and he did TONS of damage, so I ran away, and worked on killing the soldiers on the catwalks, and, when looking for Frank again, I realized that he...
  8. TheWhiskySix

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Rather good rap music. Cant say much more than that. alright this song is a weird remix of like 3 songs. Give it a listen.
  9. TheWhiskySix

    Name reasons you thought Fallout 3 was better than New Vegas

    The reason the BOS is protecting him is due to morale. Morale is one of the most important things to have when your running an army. If your morale is low, people will flee or not fight as hard. 3 Dog helps improve their morale and keep hopes high (3 Dog also plays some kick ass music to boot!)
  10. TheWhiskySix

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I just finished "South Park: the Fractured but Whole", and I'm currently playing the 3DS remake of "the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time". I'm also playing a bit of "Mighty Switch Force 2".
  11. TheWhiskySix

    Best quest in F:NV?

    Actually, if caesar dies and/or is killed before you talk to Ranger Hanlon in the quest "Return to Sender" (the quest you are talking about) Ranger Hanlon can be convinced that the NCR actually has a fighting chance, and will stop falsifying the reports. This is the best ending you can get for...
  12. TheWhiskySix

    Best quest in F:NV?

    In my opinion, it has to be the quest "The Coyotes" due to it perfectly representing how fucked up the fallout world really is, with two men selling desperate refugees to Cook Cook for him to rape, kill, and cannibalize in no particular order. It is the best quest in ANY fallout game, and you...
  13. TheWhiskySix

    Why did it take me this long to discover the glory that is Doc Mobius' glove?

    Very interesting... I will have to try that the next time I do a "no personal kill" run of F:NV.