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  1. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    Yeah, looks like you're right - I was able to find the game logic that handles knockdown, and there's no reference to that fallover parameter. I also did a global search in my Ghidra project, but couldn't find any reference to it in any code that's been analyzed. So I really don't know what it...
  2. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    I think "fallover" only prevents knockdown, not being knocked out. The Bonehead perk effect is hardcoded in the Actor knockout code. I think the following FTSE patch should change it to be 100% effective for knockout (the change you added above to the perk bonuses should cover knockdown): {...
  3. M

    Rabid -Kills grant bonus AP

    Level is defined in either the entity itself, or in the mission editor when an entity in the mission is edited. I haven't done much with the mission editor, so I don't know for sure what typical values will be for each mission.
  4. M

    Rabid -Kills grant bonus AP

    The AP given from the Rabid trait is 2 + (0.333 * target's XP level), capped to a maximum of 10. The value is not rounded, as AP is a floating-point value, so fractional gain is allowed. There is one caveat, however - the gain in AP occurs before the cost of the attack is deducted. So if you're...
  5. M

    My ghoul character is glowing after roach fight

    On a whim - does the ghoul have the Bonsai perk? The perk is badly bugged, but one of the effects it has is that it will change the skin and other colors on the character when it triggers. And being hit by poison is one of the triggers (hit by radiation is the other).
  6. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    Perk rate ("levelsPerPerk") is tricky - the code for it differs from most other attributes, in that it always uses only the "derived" table value. So setting a permanent value, or a temporary bonus, will never have an effect. And setting the derived value directly in a Lua script won't work...
  7. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    Quick question on this - will the separate mods be started via the -path command-line option, or via the "Custom Campaign" option from the menu? For the -path option, it should be simple to add (and, given that the file structure is changing a bit in the next FTSE release anyway, it's a perfect...
  8. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    You should only need to remove OnBurstAttack, as it's the only one directly called by the FTSE engine. The others are only helper functions for OnBurstAttack. For a player doing a solo run, the bug fix doesn't make a lot of difference on damage taken - enemies firing at your character will have...
  9. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    I looked into this, and found the code routine that calculates rank. Paraphrasing from my notes: For the main character, you get "half of a rank" for each of the following: * Completing a "mission" (this is the "missionscom" field in the save / editor). Note that this is incremented for more...
  10. M

    Comprehensive FO:T Engine Bug List (1.27)

    I can confirm the perk "works", though the result isn't likely to be what would be expected from e.g. Fallout/Fallout2 behavior. The functional effect is that the critical roll (0-99) is multiplied by 1.2 (rounded down), not that the roll gets a flat +20. So depending on value rolled, the bonus...
  11. M

    flamer, crits, jinxed questions

    Hi! I will admit that FTSE isn't really designed with multiplayer in mind - I don't think I've played the multiplayer mode once. But even though I don't plan on having targeted multiplayer fixes, I also want to try to make sure FTSE doesn't explicitly break multiplayer modes. I have an idea...
  12. M

    Cost in AP to transfer items

    Since there's not an existing cost for transferring items between characters, there's no existing code that calls for AP reduction in that case - so a quick hex patch isn't really possible. If you're willing to use FTSE (latest version only - 0.56a), I think I have a script that will do that...
  13. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    FTSE 0.56a is now available. Highlights are a few bug fixes for problems listed earlier in the thread, a new hex patch for Night Person, Die Hard, and Adrenaline Rush, and a few new Entity and Actor functions to allow changes to tag string, XP, reputation, HP, and AP.
  14. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    @nadeauhugo : I've recreated the issue with the crafting script not working with a container, and figured out why it happens. I'll provide a full fix in 0.56a, but in the meantime, you can use the following workaround - Change the Remove_this function to read as follows (note the added...
  15. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    Sorry all - was away for a little while. I see there's been a lot of activity recently! Current status: I'm working on a mostly bugfix release, 0.56a, to fix some of the most recently reported issues. Since I'm back to having a bit of time to work, I hope to get this out in a couple of weeks...
  16. M

    Comprehensive FO:T Engine Bug List (1.27)

    Assuming you mean the following items: Fixes for the latter two items (melee/unarmed critical effects and Bonus H2H Damage) were already included in FTSE 0.45a. As for the disarm effect, I haven't yet revisited the code area which handles this. I want to be sure that enabling this won't cause...
  17. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    The white box appears to be a forum advertisement. Why the new forum puts ads in the middle of a post, I have no idea. But it's annoying as hell. Installation instructions are in the following paragraph:
  18. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    That's strange. Do you happen to have the Lua code for this case that I can take a look at? I'd like to run the same scenario with a breakpoint on my hook to see if I can tell why it doesn't activate.
  19. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    The OnInventoryAdd and OnInventoryRemove hooks should work for containers and vehicles as well as actors - there's a separate machine code hook implemented for each. I don't remember how well these were tested, though. Also not sure if the inventory transfer from the window is immediate, or...
  20. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    Thank you for reminding me of this! During the vtable work, I found the code that recalculates a character's stats, including these flags. I just went back to read through this code in detail, and I think I finally understand why this is broken (as well as the perks that use similar "do*" tags...