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  1. N

    Fallout 2 mod Last Hope mod

    Sorry but I want to ask why nothing happen after I select Bouns Ranged Damage? Is this mod change the formula of this perk,now it won't reflected in the item/weapons interface?Thanks Bug:
  2. N

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    I've reinstall everything,but errors hasn't slove
  3. N

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    Something not important: I found some "Error" text in the quest "Find your padre in the Forbidden Zone" when talking to padre And Walkie-Talkie has a russian action Nuka-Cola names "Kernal-Cola" or "Core-Cola" in various text Mobs in Villa have "Error" text when look at them
  4. N

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    Your dropbox link is wrong,maybe
  5. N

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    I don't know Russian so I don't know what's original skill text like, but rifles seems to be heavy gun in this game, but "Small guns" skill text have "rifles" It confuse me a long time...
  6. N

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    I met a crash when I'm entering Phoenix main gate And as I try,after I delete mods/master.dat,it won't crash any more Is there any problem if I delete mods/master.dat to continue?Thanks
  7. N

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    Oh,I just find it in the Olympus I see,thanks.
  8. N

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    First report something not important: 1.girl with a tank used "He",or it's some LGBT relate event? 2.biker have no names in the battle. Why I can't find any keycards there...? And I can't find #2 biolab,I can't see any sign like this...
  9. N

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    possible issue:Matt in the NWO can get "2.about lovis..." route even I've reported to him once,after I use "1.I'd like to know about something" route once again. possible issue:Christie in Mangy Dog will trigger first meeting dialog first even you kill all onca devils,and need one more dialog...
  10. N

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    Glad to see the translation is finally done! Unfortunately I don't have enough English skills to take the beta test...Wait for official release
  11. N

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Why I get error "Game initialzation failed!" when I run nevadaHD.exe? nevada.exe is normally function. ================================== Sorry,I use 3440*1440.Change it to 1280*1024 then everything works fine. But now I can't enter my name in English...Well not a problem.
  12. N

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    ST 6, PE 9, EN 4, CH 2, IN 9, AG 9, LK 9 Finesse,Gifted Level 3 Awareness, level 6 Bonus Move, level 9 Bonus Rate of Fire, level 12 Better Criticals, level 15 Action Boy, level 18 Sniper, level 21 Mutate!(Finesse -> Fastshot) I guess,it's because my attack causes instant death,but one of mods...
  13. N

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Sometimes Master will play death animation when he was hit but not be killed. Maybe it's a bug?
  14. N

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    No,I havn't change fo1_settings.ini. ; Change the amount of days to get the Water Chip? ; NOTE: It is highly advised to keep this timer at default value! ; 150 days are enough to save the Vault. Increasing or disabling it removes all tension from the gaming experience! ; Water Timer = 150 days...