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  1. Cathedral Psyker

    Fallout Entertainment Industries

    It comes down to the fact that YouTube is an entertainment platform, and ultimately most young gamers with a casual interest or familiarity with fallout will mainly be searching for and watching New Vegas/3/4/76 content. These use gamebryo and creation engine and the action rpg aspect caters to...
  2. Cathedral Psyker

    Where would you want to live in the Classic Fallout games?

    You bring up a good point. One gets the sense that the town is dying from agricultural problems and a lack of importance in trade. However it is in the middle of a national forest which likely would have been untouched by the war, aside from fallout that has since dissipated. This means game...
  3. Cathedral Psyker

    Where would you want to live in the Classic Fallout games?

    The Hub would be an interesting place if one was successful there. Adytum under the regulators sucks, not to mention proximity to the mutants. Shady Sands would be the best since there is the prospect of building the place up and becoming one of the founders of NCR (although it’s evident that...
  4. Cathedral Psyker

    Phineas Gage and the Canon Courier

    I think that a House ending may seem the least conclusive, but it is the best way devs could resolve New Vegas if necessary. Assuming they could make a west coast fallout game, the House ending allows all factions to remain alive (except the stagnant Mojave brotherhood of steel). The dlc like...
  5. Cathedral Psyker

    Fallout is now a fighting game!

    They have committed most of the west coast characters to damnatio memoriae. Harold did appear in fallout 3, immobilized by the tree growing out of his head. With the exception of ways they can appropriate the setting (like San Francisco as Kellogg’s home) you won’t see any reference to the old...
  6. Cathedral Psyker

    A Compendium of Ways to Optimize The Chosen One In Fallout 2

    The following video covers different aspects of combat in Fallout 2. New players might find it helpful if they are stumped by highwaymen on the way to Vault City, but both the footage and substance spoil some of the game. If you need ways to hedge risk in an ironman run or want to see an...
  7. Cathedral Psyker

    Taking the Unity with a God-tier Build

    I may be preaching to the choir, but I have made a fairly comprehensive guide on Fallout’s gameplay and how to make the Vault Dweller the most powerful force in the wasteland. This video reflects that fast shot and bonus hth stack in Fallout (while they do not in Fallout 2); you can attack with...
  8. Cathedral Psyker

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello, I first played Fallout when I bought New Vegas not long after it came out. I had played TESIV and figured it was worth taking a risk on. A couple years later I got the popular post-nuclear sandbox fps ‘Fallout 3’. To my detriment I got Fallout 4 and was disappointed with the factions...
  9. Cathedral Psyker

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    Some of the characters, despite living isolated and enclosed plot-wise, have interesting or memorable premises. Namely, Dukov with his inexplicable Russian accent and equally peculiar possession of his mansion. There is one quest which factors into acquiring the T-51 B armor (You gotta shoot...
  10. Cathedral Psyker

    Fallout New Vegas Character Optimization

    Hello, I have made a video which showcases what I consider the best build for Fallout: New Vegas. It gives tips to new players on how to bypass the long way to New Vegas and acquire good equipment quickly. I discuss how to make good special choices rather than giving a list of specific...