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  1. Aaron Wieland

    Fallout 2 "Trapping Theory" (How to trap with success) By Aaron Wieland

    Modern Trapping Theory. Fallout 2 Combat Tactics By Aaron Wieland What is "Trapping Theory", why do we need it, what does it change, and how does it work? Trapping Theory fixes nearly every problem associated with the Traps skill, and...
  2. Aaron Wieland

    Fallout 2 Heavy Handed. Why Heavy Handed is great + How/Why it works

    QUOTING THE MANUAL on Heavy Handed: " ALWAYS do more melee damage". ALWAYS. But there is so much more to it than just that. With Heavy Handed your melee damage ALWAYS increases for your critical hits, and the critical chance remains the same, but the CRITICAL EFFECT is reduced. So...
  3. Aaron Wieland

    [FO2] Is there any way to beat frank horrigan without killin

    YES! After 23 years HERE is your answer!
  4. Aaron Wieland

    Fallout 2 - Increased STR +1 and AP +1 Accidentally! But how?

    What your refferring to is "Bug Points", a concept that I discovered, and have nearly mastered. You got the the "Bug Points" because you took a Jet Antidote while you were addicted to Jet, but the game failed to apply the Jet Addiction debuffs to your characters SPECIAL stats. This causes the...
  5. Aaron Wieland

    Fallout 2 Is Too Hard At The Start

    HERE is how to properly execute the Temple Of Trials
  6. Aaron Wieland

    fallout 2 sex appeal trait

    Here is how to play a Sex Appeal build -Fallout Entertainment Industries
  7. Aaron Wieland

    Throwing, the most hated weapon skill?

    If I wasn't then How did I put this code (3584) in the comment section of the "Throwing only" video That I posted above? -Fallout Entertainment Industries
  8. Aaron Wieland

    Throwing, the most hated weapon skill?

    THIS is what you were looking for One Hander/Bloody Mess ST 3, PE 6, EN 10, CH 1, IN 10, AG 4, L 6 Barter, Gambling, Outdoorsman PERKS L3 Quick Pockets, L6 More Criticals, L9 More Criticals, L12 Mutate, L15 Living Anatomy, L18 Tag! Category Main Category: Throwing Only Sub Category: Must...
  9. Aaron Wieland

    Dumb, Jinxed, Melee, Solo Playthrough

    THIS is what you were going for... BUILD JINXED/Heavy Handed ST 7, P 10, EN 10, CH 10, IN 1, AG 1, L 1 Doctor, Barter, Outdoorsman PERKS L3 Bonus HtH Damage, L6 Bonus HtH Damage, L9 Bonus HtH Damage, L12 HtH Evade, L15 Living Anatomy, L18 Bonus HtH Attacks, L21 Tag...
  10. Aaron Wieland

    Did you know? Finesse is actually a terrible trait (FO2)

    My math was 100% correct. 72.25% without Finesse. 82.25% with Finesse. Zero errors. Thank you for spotting a typo though! -Fallout Entertainment Industries
  11. Aaron Wieland

    Did you know? Finesse is actually a terrible trait (FO2)

    Check out this finesse build. I beat the game LIVE on the hardest settings with Finesse. -Fallout Entertainment Industries
  12. Aaron Wieland

    Melee Character

    I beat Frank Horrigan Bare Handed LIVE with this build... BUILD St (7), P (10), End (10), Cha (10), Int (1), Ag (1), L (1) JINXED + Heavy Handed Doctor, Barter, Outdoorsman PERKS L3 Bonus HtH Damage, L6 Bonus HtH Damage, L9 Bonus HtH Damage, L12 HtH Evade, L15 Living Anatomy...
  13. Aaron Wieland

    [Fallout 2] Can you repair the highwayman yourself?

    YES. I did it LIVE on YouTube with my repair skill slightly over 100% and a "super tool kit" in my item slot for a boost in repair skill. -Fallout Entertainment Industries
  14. Aaron Wieland

    Did you know? Finesse is actually a terrible trait (FO2)

    FINESSE IS AWESOME! FINESSE IS AWESOME AND DOABLE Basically, your study was to determine the usefulness of the Finesse trait, and anyone would expect to see you produce critical hit data, and different critical hit opportunities at a minimum, yet you never talk about opportunities. I give you...