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  1. Kaptin

    Reddit under legion rule would surely make that asshole of internet a better place.

    Reddit under legion rule would surely make that asshole of internet a better place.
  2. Kaptin

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    No anyone who thinks Fallout 4 is GOTY or better than NV isn't a real fan.
  3. Kaptin

    Benny should have been the final Boss

    The only thing that makes Benny unique from everyone else is just his suit and gun. Aside from that he is just another wasteland opportunist without a spine so no he would have been a terrible final boss.
  4. Kaptin

    NCR Ranger: "Is Kimball dead over there? Did you kill him?" Courier Six: "Man, I don't even...

    NCR Ranger: "Is Kimball dead over there? Did you kill him?" Courier Six: "Man, I don't even know. It's crazy."
  5. Kaptin

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Nah, if I was 12 years old soyack I would simp for NCR.
  6. Kaptin

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    Synth Gen3 is pretty much 3D printed human he is like a shell with no emotions or personality what they do is however they implant a chip inside his brain this chip is installed with the personality and skills of said synth this also has a tracking device and remote on/off button which triggers...
  7. Kaptin

    Fallout 4 Is Better Than You Think

    Why is Fallout 4 better than New vegas? Lemme just trash-talk everything that New vegas did wrong and never explain what actually makes Fallout 4 a better game.
  8. Kaptin

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Here is another unpopular opinion (super hated and unpopular on reddit): Legion is based.
  9. Kaptin

    Courier Names

    Chadus Gigus.
  10. Kaptin

    Why couldn't House just write a new update code for his army?

    Because from what's been said in New Vegas, that chip contains hardware which he cannot replicate anymore.
  11. Kaptin

    My legion chores are 1) execute Oxhorn fans 2) put on a cross Bethesda developers 3) raid...

    My legion chores are 1) execute Oxhorn fans 2) put on a cross Bethesda developers 3) raid Reddit and bring soyacks scalps as my trophies.
  12. Kaptin

    Time to update my selfie to flex my supreme legion gigachad beauty.

    Time to update my selfie to flex my supreme legion gigachad beauty.
  13. Kaptin

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    They are just following Commiefornia footsteps.
  14. Kaptin

    Hey man, when in Rome?

    Hey man, when in Rome?
  15. Kaptin

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    What's wrong with Enclave fan number 1? What do you mean?? IT WILL WORK THIS TIME!! TRUST ME!!! USSR WASNT REAL COMMUNISM!!!
  16. Kaptin

    I actually hoped that Bethesda learns from New vegas and lets obsidian make a sequel but they...

    I actually hoped that Bethesda learns from New vegas and lets obsidian make a sequel but they literally ignored new vegas existence.
  17. Kaptin

    Things that you LIKE about Fallout 76

    I enjoyed the exploration and the quests line but once you finish them all it's just boring grindfest, there is no endgame content and anything related to that is ruined by people using hacked weapons or broken builds, the scorchbeasts were stupid and definitely not re-skinned dragons from...
  18. Kaptin

    I don't know what was worse disappointment Fallout 4 or TOW.

    I don't know what was worse disappointment Fallout 4 or TOW.
  19. Kaptin

    Will in ten years Fallout still be relevant as a series?

    Fallout 4 was poop but at least you could mod that poop to make it less poop, TOW was better poop but you can't mod TOW to make it better so fallout 4 is better in those regards.
  20. Kaptin

    Things that you LIKE about Fallout 76

    Scorchbeasts are just reskinned dragons from Skyrim, FO76 is trash in it's core, it's boring once you clear out entire map, stupidly grindy and you get fuckheads who one-shots everything with their stealth builds, literally removing any fun from the game.