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  1. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Human Critter Anims & Armor

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any pointers on how to apply different armor sets to human critter anims? For context, I'm looking to possibly fix some of the problems in the known issues section with this mod here to add a black female player character. It does link to a tutorial that...
  2. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Why do think there aren't any Fallout novels?

    Pete Hines is truly an enigma.
  3. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    given that ive seen tons of non tumblr folks, and ppl who otherwise dislike marvel praising loki...

    given that ive seen tons of non tumblr folks, and ppl who otherwise dislike marvel praising loki (the show), i would reccomend it
  4. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Trapped in Myron's Basement

    Trapped in Myron's Basement
  5. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Will in ten years Fallout still be relevant as a series?

    Yeah, its pretty nice. Having your fan-content recognized by the creator is such an awesome feeling. No worries man, i feel you completely.
  6. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Will in ten years Fallout still be relevant as a series?

    Yeah, this is true. Although i've learned its not all bad. Hanging around indie game circles means you get to talk one on one with a lot of devs. Very rewarding experience. yeah true, kinda was just making a jab at the fact that most enclave fans tend to be a bit. politically stunted, to put it...
  7. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    i genuinely consider myron to be one of my most favorite fallout characters of all time
  8. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Will in ten years Fallout still be relevant as a series?

    i think its a bit early to deem this a fight, no?
  9. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Why do think there aren't any Fallout novels?

    Well for one, generally speaking, novelizations of things are more 'misses' than they are 'hits'.
  10. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Why is grave digging looked down upon in the Fallout universe?

    Yeah... Was kinda suprised to find out grave digging knocked my karma pretty far into the negatives my first time around.
  11. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Will in ten years Fallout still be relevant as a series?

    I think the real problem is having expectations from specific companies this day and age. It's not a death of a genre, so much as we can't really expect much from the triple or double A studios. Play rpgs that aren't by companies, and honestly you can tell that the genre is alive and well, just...
  12. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Let me see your headcanons!

    This one is kinda silly and just something for fun, but I like to think that Myron from fo2 doesn't *actually* have sex with all those prostitutes, he just pays them to play D&D and Tragic with him.
  13. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Where can I find good Fallout content?

    Have good luck, and lots of patience, thats how. Seriously though, theres not a concrete answer for that. You really just have to accept that being a fallout fan is like being a fan of a sports team that never wins.
  14. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Lenny won't join party

    I had the same "problem" at first. Honestly, I just assumed you had to fix the reactor first, then he became available to recruit. After I fixed the reactor, he gladly joined up. As someone else said, town rep might be the reason.
  15. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Are there any actual downsides to being a Ghoul?

    What? there's plenty of skin conditions that involve things worse than discoloring. Harlequin Ichthyosis, for example.
  16. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Are there any actual downsides to being a Ghoul?

    What about those ghouls in the Gecko reactor? They seemed to be getting healed by the radiaton, or at least get some sort of benefit from it. I recall a few ghoul npcs there talking about how they liked the radiation there, that it felt nice.. Additionally, in combat, ghouls seem to be able to...
  17. RadioactiveGirlfriend

    Will in ten years Fallout still be relevant as a series?

    Personally I dont get what your logic is here. How can one game including a narrative you dont personally ideologically agree with, with character designs you personally dont like, supposedly destroy your hopes in the future of rpgs? Just because one game decided to take an outward stance on...