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  1. Xrad

    I know this is heresy, but I like Fallout 76

    FO76's only advantage is that it's not Fallout 4
  2. Xrad

    The Ideal Woman

    Military girls are hot af
  3. Xrad

    How'd you get your username?

    Is it male or female name?
  4. Xrad

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Complaining about FO76 does not make sense, because when the tv show comes out, a new community will appear and Bethesda does not care about us
  5. Xrad

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    10/10 The avatar looks very retro
  6. Xrad

    What Will Fallout 76's Failures Mean for Fallout 5?

    Add more PvP - more danger!
  7. Xrad

    Things that you LIKE about Fallout 76

    I like that despite the poor start of the game - when I came back after two years, they added a lot of new content. There are tons of new locations, lots of new items - like a new game
  8. Xrad

    Furiosa (short film)

    I like the graphic style, but everything movable is too clean and sterile (like a tank)
  9. Xrad

    The Ideal Woman

    It does not exist, just as there is no perfect man
  10. Xrad

    Name the worst song by your favorite band/musician

    Led zeppelin - Stairway to heaven
  11. Xrad

    How'd you get your username?

    On the occasion of Mikołaj, as a president, I was completing first aid kits for my friends, like those from FO
  12. Xrad

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Fallout tactics is 4x beter than FO 3 FO76 items are cheap if you want to buy it for real cash It's popular to buy Fallout items buy fo76 items
  13. Xrad

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6/10 I like retro games tec.