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  1. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Hi! Could you please check the "F2MechanicsMiniRework.ini" file for the line "en_recalculation=" in the [StatsRecalculation] section and let me know what value it has? If it's not set to en_recalculation=3, please change it to =3 and set StatsRecalculation=1, then check if the bug still occurs...
  2. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Hi-Hi! Thank you for your detailed feedback and for sharing your experience with the mod :) Initially, I did design the alternative firing mode for the electrical guns with the ability to retarget previously hit targets. However, during testing, I felt that this mechanic made the weapons a bit...
  3. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying the mod! Ok, I'll consider adding the "Forced activation" for the pistol firing mode for both NPCs and the player in a future update
  4. DeKRuS

    How to uncensor drug referances?

    Here are these 2 .msg files. You can also open them in notepad and change the descriptions yourself as you wish.
  5. DeKRuS

    How to uncensor drug referances?

    You can take the file from the archive and place it in ...\Fallout\DATA\TEXT\ENGLISH\GAME
  6. DeKRuS

    Adding Legacy Perk in FO2

    The effects combine, but not in the sense that -50% + (-50%) = -100%, but rather the chance of addiction is halved twice, rounding down each time. For Jet, the chance of addiction will be 50% / 2 / 2 = 12%, but not 0%. If you like playing with chems, you can check out my mod, which changes Chem...
  7. DeKRuS

    Adding Legacy Perk in FO2

    Yes, you got it right :) And the Flower Child perk in Fallout 1 does the same thing, I checked.
  8. DeKRuS

    Adding Legacy Perk in FO2

    24 hours? Jet addiction doesn't go away without an antidote. Perhaps you mean the duration of the stat reduction?I n Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, only the 'Chem Resistant' trait affects this. Flower Child reduces the duration and chance of addiction by 50%, from 7 to 3.5 days (except for Jet), but...
  9. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Updated my mod, adding a couple of features and a new module. (If the message 'Traits updated. Restart the game!' keeps appearing at game start, create an empty folder named 'sfall' inside the 'mods' folder in the game directory.) Traits Plus: Enhances base starting traits with new properties...
  10. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Then you probably have "MinStealReq" less than 1. Yes, they are connected, but this is not written anywhere) I'll separate it in the next fix.
  11. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Regardless of how many +skill% bonuses the tagged skill receives, only the final value of the skill is taken for calculation. I created a character to test stealing. Tag gives 100 to skill. initial steal value -4% (agility = 2 + Gifted + normal game difficulty) + tag, total 96% Steal skill...
  12. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Ok, I see, then my advice is to install the Russian version of Sonora from Fox, install my mod, check on old saves or a new character whether the mod works, and if so, replace the files for partial translation.
  13. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    My surprise is not that you understand Russian (although this is also surprising! Understanding at least 3 languages is a lot!), but that Foxx has a multilingual version of Sonora! If you have a Foxx release, does that mean you also have sfall v5.0.4+ installed in the game? Sfall 4.4 (or 5.0.5)...
  14. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Hi. Do you play sonora in Russian? If not, where did you get this version? First check if "F2MechanicsMiniRework.dat" exists in "mods_order.txt", then check if "Sonora=1" is set in "F2MechanicsMiniRework.ini". How exactly does it not work? Can't books be used? they don't give bonuses to the...
  15. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    At the moment, this is more of an interesting bug with the ability to experience pseudo-real time combat than a real mod. In this mode, registration of animations is broken and therefore the maximum that can be implemented is the simultaneous movement of NPCs, provided that they do not perform...
  16. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Thanks for letting me know! I didn't even notice that I just wrote my "books.ini" file location instead of having the script check where it actually is. Now the mod will "see" the "books.ini" file at the location specified in "ddraw.ini". Here is the corrected version, replace only the ".dat" file.
  17. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod Change skill books to give a fixed amount of bonus

    I feel you man, the heat is unbearable. In my region, the temperature finally dropped from 36°C to 20°C, and I was finally able to start functioning normally. First things first, things in real life, and only then entertainment, especially in the form of ancient single games ) As usual, I...
  18. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework mod is updated to v1.9 A new mod has been added that allows you to apply skill books to party members, as well as change the amount of bonus skill points when reading books. Skill Books This mod allows you to use skill books on companions to increase their skills...
  19. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod Change skill books to give a fixed amount of bonus

    Good idea, I like it! I will make this mod. Unless no one has done it yet :)
  20. DeKRuS

    Fallout 2 mod Alternate Weapon Firing Mode

    Ты это серьёзно что ли или это шутка такая? Я вообще считал что делаю всё не так как надо, потому что к программированию не имею никакого отношения и вот это моя первая попытка скриптинга модов для игры. Но иными конструкциями в скриптах реализовать то что хотел бы видеть в старом фоллауте не...