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  1. xman7373

    Fallout 2 mod Better Miria mod as RPU patch

    Not really, as the mod stands (without my changes) the issue of not removing armor is due to an incorrect reference in the script itself. If you wanted to remove both weapon and armor you'd have to modify one of the node functions (either 1003 or 1009) to add the functionality of the other one...
  2. xman7373

    Fallout 2 mod Better Miria mod as RPU patch

    Sure. I compressed into an archive since I guess the plain .int file isn't a supported type, so here it is. For anyone who might need help with using this, just unzip the download, rename the .int file to, and drop it wherever your file is right now (for me, it's Fallout...
  3. xman7373

    Fallout 2 mod Better Miria mod as RPU patch

    Figured out my other issue; Miria was not leveling up because party.txt needed to be in Fallout 2\data\data, not just Fallout 2\data, which is where it ended up when I pasted the Miria mod into the data folder without changing the pathways. Thanks for the work on the mod, debrouxl.
  4. xman7373

    Fallout 2 mod Better Miria mod as RPU patch

    Having done a little further testing, it seems like Miria unequips her equipped weapon when asked to take off her armor. Looking at her dialogue responses, she responds with the dialogue pertaining to putting her weapon away (string 1600, used in Node1003 when unequipping weapons) rather than...
  5. xman7373

    Fallout 2 mod Better Miria mod as RPU patch

    Hey all, Sorry to revive a somewhat old topic, but I recently got into Fallout 2, have installed a couple mods, and was having some issues with this one. As has been noted earlier in the thread, I did have some issues with installation if I dropped the folder into mods without doing anything...