Search results

  1. LennyBava

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders gay?

    Yeah I'm certainly not saying its impossible, and you would have a few here and there. It's just not likely. There are places in the world now, that aren't so different from the world of fallout. They may not have mutants and radiation, but they have everything else. In these places, the women...
  2. LennyBava

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders male?

    For anyone who searches, I found the mod to fix the problem! It does of course, have a few requirements. But that's modding for ya. Go back and look at their ratios. They were still off, but they were much closer to being correct...
  3. LennyBava

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders gay?

    That would run counter to their available options. They're lawless, as you said. They can simply enslave the women and rape them whenever they want. Some of the groups you mentioned would bring women along with them for that reason. This is the realism I was looking for, its pretty immersion...
  4. LennyBava

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders male?

    Yes I would recommend getting the audiobook. Still quite large, even when listening to it. But it's damned interesting, and really opens your eyes on the history of mankind.
  5. LennyBava

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders male?

    Ok I believe I understand your post correctly now. Oddly there's still one for another fallout game and its still there on Nexus. I tried it when I was playing and it mostly worked. It claimed to eliminate them all but it seemed to reduce them by 95% which seemed much more realistic to me...
  6. LennyBava

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders male?

    That answer is pretty idiotic. We all already use the suspension of disbelief plenty when playing fallout. So it's nice to have some things that are realistic thrown in there. Like how there's no real gangs of violent women criminals on earth. There's a sprinkling here and there of course, but...
  7. LennyBava

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders male?

    I find the idea of female raiders pretty silly, as they would most likely just be slaves kept around for various reasons. So I was hoping to find a mod for fallout 4 that would turn all the raiders male. It was particularly bad in the "Nuka World" expansion, where for some reason, they were...
  8. LennyBava

    Do I still need the unofficial FO4 patch in 2024?

    Hello, is this place dead?
  9. LennyBava

    Do I still need the unofficial FO4 patch in 2024?

    I've been watching modding videos trying to figure out which mods would really benefit me in 2024. Do we still need the Unofficial Community Patch? It was a big deal 7 years ago, I remember that much. But did Bethesda ever implement any of it in their updates? I ask because I don't want to buy...
  10. LennyBava

    Looking to mod fallout 2 but can't find correct game folders

    That's a lousy answer, all you had to do was say that the armor mod is already integrated into RP v30, and you don't know how to do the other one.
  11. LennyBava

    Looking to mod fallout 2 but can't find correct game folders

    I'm hoping that someone here knows which folders to place the files in, from this mod: The installation instructions are pretty terrible. Anyone know where to place the files, when using the Steam version? There certainly isn't any...
  12. LennyBava

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    Does anyone have a working download link? The ones on page one of this thread, no longer function for downloads.
  13. LennyBava

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    Are there any other mods like this one? Where there's practically a whole game created on the fallout 2 engine. I have already played Fallout of Nevada. Anything else? I went to the modding section but it seems they only have subforums for Fo3, and Fo4
  14. LennyBava

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    I haven't been able to get a quest from the mexicans yet. They all just tell me to go away or something. They won't even let me up the stairs in the casino, to see the boss. Do you know how I can get the first quest from them? I assume you start somewhere in the drug town, through the deathclaw...
  15. LennyBava

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    Hi all. I wanted to stop by and ask about this game. Is it me, or are all the quests only for an evil character? In Fo3 (and to a lesser degree fo2) you'll often get the choice of playing the "good" route. Where you get to punish evil, and you can finish some quests for the benefit of most or...
  16. LennyBava

    Fallout 2 Savegame Editor

    Any idea why it will load my saves for Resurrection, but I can't adjust any values? All the editing pages are blank in F12se. The save games appear and I can select one to modify, but when I click the tab for stats, or skills, it's completely empty. So I can't ever adjust anything. I do have...
  17. LennyBava

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Is there a large thread like this for Fallout 1.5? Playing that one now, had a couple of questions. Thanks!
  18. LennyBava

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    I shot him in the eyes many times with the Gauss gun, but he still regenerates and gets his hit points back. Even though his limbs were never damaged. Are you saying you have to get a high enough crit, that it kills him before he can regenerate? I believe that would need to do over 200 points of...
  19. LennyBava

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Anyone know how to kill the reaper of souls? The first time I just bypassed him and blew up the vault. This time I'd like to actually kill him. Is it possible? I tried using the flamer but it didn't have the desired effect.
  20. LennyBava

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Hmm I was only give 2 bugs. I placed one in the vent, and one in the desk. Go to see chase, and do dialogue for quest completion. Odd. Maybe my quest is broken. Which is terrible because now I can't complete enough quests to buy the slave for Uranium city, from Luciano. Wright told me where to...