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  1. Obsti

    Fallout 2 mod Better Miria mod as RPU patch

    How is RPU dead? It was updated parallel to UPU earlier this year. I also don't see a Miria mod specifically for UPU or any Miria mod from this year for that matter, so what are you referring to? A Miria mod for the old UP and not UPU? I am pretty much stuck with my playthrough right now...
  2. Obsti

    Fallout 2 mod Better Miria mod as RPU patch

    I am using RPU v26, had the Alpha 3 of this Better Miria Mod plus xman7373's fix installed way before I entered Modoc, but nothing about Miria had changed once I got into town. I couldn't talk to her about anything but party orders and her appearance with different armors did not change, so I...
  3. Obsti

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Oh, so there is an incentive to push on the master quickly and they are screwed over at this point anyway even if I don't visiit them? Nice, thank you for the information. I may have another run after this one to rectify this.
  4. Obsti

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Oh noes. I already did Necropolis (in complete darkness), so if I go back there I will probably trigger the bad ending. Is there a way to avoid that, even if it includes savegame editing?
  5. Obsti

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Can somebody spoil me and please tell me where the motorcycle is in 1.8? I am almost done with the game, going blind, and didn't find it. For some reason I primarily ended up in cities at night and probably missed it. Please enlighten me! Yes, I have it activated in the fo1_settings.
  6. Obsti

    Fallout 2 mod Classic Fallout engine videos playable ingame in HD resolutions

    You are correct, that was it. It works now, thank you. I got F1 and F2 from Steam. I got Fallout Et Tu from the "Latest Release Package" Link from here. I never bothered with anything sfall manually, so I am probably using the one included there. When I originally set up F1, I installed Et Tu...
  7. Obsti

    Fallout 2 mod Classic Fallout engine videos playable ingame in HD resolutions

    It is 4. When I got the hi-res videos I checked as per the OP, but it was already set per default in the recently released et tu.
  8. Obsti

    Fallout 2 mod Classic Fallout engine videos playable ingame in HD resolutions

    Everything is placed where you say it should be placed. AllowDShowMovies=0 results in low-res videos with subtitles. AllowDShowMovies=1 results in high-res videos without subtitles. I am testing with the Main Intro and the Overseer introduction. I suspect there to be some other parameter...
  9. Obsti

    Fallout 2 mod Classic Fallout engine videos playable ingame in HD resolutions

    The subtitles work on the normal videos, just not on the upscaled ones. I copied the .sve's to the base data path to no avail. Steam created the Fallout 2 folder with a space in it, but since the subtitles work normally on the standard cutscenes, can that even be the issue? I tried the...
  10. Obsti

    Fallout 2 mod Classic Fallout engine videos playable ingame in HD resolutions

    I am not him but I installed Fo1in2 today (English language) and found these upscaled videos as recommended links, so I installed them. They play properly with AllowDShowMovies=1, but the subtitles are missing for me a well. I followed the instructions in the OP, ignored what was crossed out...