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  1. M

    New online character planner

    I updated the various roles with better trait descriptions when they diverge from other roles / added Skill Rate / Perk Rate to every role
  2. M

    New online character planner

    I was wrong, I just re-ran the numbers, typical page load is 68 bytes (!) via chrome's network tab, and a full load with an empty cache is 87.2 KB. The size on disk for the site is 684 KB.
  3. M

    New online character planner

    the planner itself is quite small and takes up almost no bandwidth with compression (typical page load is around 200kb). The full site is about 750 kb last I checked
  4. M

    New online character planner

    I could also make a build of it so you can host the planner on the site for your embeds
  5. M

    New online character planner

    You can now embed builds in other websites, via the new 'Share' option menu entry: It looks like this when embedded in another site: I put special instructions...
  6. M

    New online character planner

    I do not yet have accurate help tips in place for all games, at the moment it's mostly FO2 stuff
  7. M

    New online character planner

    The first release had an encoding error in the hash URLs, anything created since 12:20 AM today has a risk of breaking when loaded. Sorry, rushed out the multiple-game support a bit.
  8. M

    New online character planner

    I don't have the game at hand, does it affect carry weight in F:NV? This wiki says it affects limb damage instead.
  9. M

    New online character planner for the Fallout games <- new release
  10. M

    New online character planner for the Fallout games
  11. M

    New online character planner

    I just released a new version that includes support for FO, FO2, FO:T, FO3, and FNV. Any builds you've made should continue to work/link just fine, as I planned ahead and made the FO2 planner on it's own URL. I'm sure there are bugs, I can't test very thoroughly - if you run in to any mismatch...
  12. M

    New online character planner

    If you have any questions / suggestions, I check back to this thread every once in a while, and I will probably see anything that shows up in the issues section on github.
  13. M

    New online character planner

    Also, I'm still in the process of adding support for 1, 3, NV and Tactics, no preview yet though
  14. M

    New online character planner

    it was linked in the second post: New online character planner
  15. M

    New online character planner

    Here is the source code to the old-school character planner I linked earlier: Character builds are link-able through the (Options -> Save/Load -> Copy Link To Char) menu.
  16. M

    New online character planner

    I've released a character planner for FO, FO2, FO:T, FO3, and FNV It's a web app so you can see it in action here: Character builds are link-able through the options menu / URL bar. You can save builds locally to your disk. You can now embed a build in other...