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  1. NotNatsuki

    Fallout 2 mod Mapper crashing when opening a map

    No, should I use proto manager to do this, if so how ?
  2. NotNatsuki

    Fallout 2 mod Mapper crashing when opening a map

    I'm not sure that is so I'm going to go with no. The last thing I did on the mapper was make a new npc template in librarian mode
  3. NotNatsuki

    Fallout 2 mod Mapper crashing when opening a map

    I've been working on a map over the past few days and when I went to open it today the mapper just crashes. I'm able to open other maps, from the game and ones I've made. Is it a lost cause or is there something I can do ? Any help would be great, I'm new to modding this game :V