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  1. Microscop

    Fallout: Vault 13 - Demo available

    I totally Agree, Adam's art had a very Y2K feel + it was edgy and overcluttered in terms of aesthethics. Compare his power armor, vault suits, weapons etc. with originals.
  2. Microscop

    Americanization of Fallout by Bethesda

    This might indeed be the case in both examples. It makes sense for Bethesda to set the game in the area they are more familiar with as well as setting their games on the oposite coast for more creative freedom (which they didn't even use since we got rehash of factions and plot elements from the...
  3. Microscop

    Americanization of Fallout by Bethesda

    I think it also has something to do with the degree of destrucion cause by the war in the original games. The Hub for example was the only town (and actually a small one) in F1 that was not nuked directly but still llooks quite to quite devasted even just 80 years post war, also all of the towns...
  4. Microscop

    Americanization of Fallout by Bethesda

    I replayed 1 and 2 last winter and i noticed something. In F1 the only time we see the american flag is in the intro tv propaganda showing Nate commiting warcrimes during the brutal occupation resulting from full scale unprovoked invasion of Canada by the USA. In F2 the only time we see the...
  5. Microscop

    Enclave origin theory and why they exist.

    I think enclave is simply the deep state including some top goverment officials and the president (excluding the sock puppets). Why did they hid on the platform? Maby because the locations of other goverment bunkers was known and they were not considered safe so a less conspicious hiding place...
  6. Microscop

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello fellow prime normals I played fallout 1 and 2 around 2002 when it was re released in classics collection at a very low price of around 5$ each. Later i played Fallout Tactics which i also enjoyed as well as Arcanum which is fallout adjecent. Not so long ago i finally compleated New Vegas...