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  1. The_HighwayMan

    Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

    HOLY SHIT THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYIN. total cringebag too, everytime i relize there is about to be a howl from his mouth i shut the radio off. at times i even listen to fucking enclave radio because at least edens rants have some cool personallity in them. three dog is an overexaduration of a...
  2. The_HighwayMan

    Fallout renewed for another season

    one more thing to add. NUKA BREAK WILL FOREVER BE MY CANON FALLOUT MOVIE. it was better than fallout 4, 76, and every other piece of official fallout media after vegas. it is better than the TV show, as it knows when to be serious and when to be funny. #makenukabreakgreatagain
  3. The_HighwayMan

    The Fallout show is shit and destroys the only good thing Bethesdas Fallout had in its universe

    bethesda shouldnt have broken the unspoken rule. west coast is obsidian/interplay, and east is bethesdas shitty side.
  4. The_HighwayMan

    what are the unmentioned towns and cities on the fallout 1 map?

    i think you're right, but wouldn't that cut of shady from the rest of the ncr? i mean, divide to the south, mountains to the west, the death valleyto the east, and jackshit to the north for miles.
  5. The_HighwayMan

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    The mad max game. its not the best, but i like it well enough.
  6. The_HighwayMan

    Why Fallout: Dust Is My Canon New Vegas Ending

    completely understandable. hope you had a great Christmas!
  7. The_HighwayMan

    Novac sign spotted at possible season 2 filming location

    couldn't have described it better myself. i'm scared how they'll ruin new vegas, may we all wake up from this nightmare.
  8. The_HighwayMan

    what are the unmentioned towns and cities on the fallout 1 map?

    i heard a theory about the 3rd city, that it was vegas. that coudnt be, could it? if it is, that would mean v13, v15, and shady are cut off from the rest of california by the divide.
  9. The_HighwayMan

    Why Fallout: Dust Is My Canon New Vegas Ending

    no matter what that fucking failure of a series the tv show says in season two, this is true, dust is the canon ending.
  10. The_HighwayMan

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    thanks mate! happy to be here:)
  11. The_HighwayMan

    Fallout renewed for another season

    and thats going to ruin my love for new vegas, thanks fucking much.
  12. The_HighwayMan

    Kotaku Sucks

    the only reason they didn't include BOSa nd Tactics was because they knew it would instantly take up 1st and 2nd place. may bawls live on.
  13. The_HighwayMan

    Fallout: Vault 13 - Demo available

    nice! is it true that its been discontinued? or was that jut a ruise?
  14. The_HighwayMan

    The Fallout show is shit and destroys the only good thing Bethesdas Fallout had in its universe

    this exactly. in fallout 1 you had actual grit. the story was dark. the world was dark. you didnt know whether it might be your last day as the average wastelander. the language wasn't filtered. and bethesdas fallout? swearing? never heard of it! its a fucking theme park ride. they couldnt...
  15. The_HighwayMan

    The Fallout show is shit and destroys the only good thing Bethesdas Fallout had in its universe

    FINALLY, SOMEONE WHO FUCKING AGREES! when you played fallout 1, 2 and new vegas, you have helped the ncr grow, prosper, and seen it become what it was, and then? what does bethesda do? fucking kill it! they told obsidian there couldnt be a bad DLC ending, because they wanted to kill the NCR...
  16. The_HighwayMan

    What If Larian Studios Made A New Fallout Game?

    couldn't be worse than Bethesdas stinkin arsehole! i'd say let em have at it.
  17. The_HighwayMan

    I've finally actually seen someone play this game. It's amazing how little this feels like Fallout.

    i think it's afun game, personally, but it is NO fallout. they should just let obsidian make NOT a fallout new vegas remaster, but a sequal or prequal.
  18. The_HighwayMan

    Rewrite vault 87

    yeah, it never really did make much sense. i think they should've just made a military bunker like mariposa instead of a vault. maybe theres a mod out there that could do it?