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  1. Nicholas the Second

    EFAP on Fallout

    actually not true liberal understanding of McCarthyism is 100% inaccurate we now know from both the United States Declassified documents in the Soviet archives that most of those people were working on behalf of the Soviet Union. people who use the term McCarthyism are generally too stupid to...
  2. Nicholas the Second

    the tv show and the confirming fan theories

    because none of the people writing the TV show know how to write anything and they think it's so he can valid to literally say capitalism bad when working at the epitome of crony capitalism like Amazon
  3. Nicholas the Second

    So if Caesar had won, what would happen next?

    Hitler was killing about 10 so it's for everyone Germany laws would actually destroyed Germany was the United States and Great Britain bombing all of the factories into the Stone Age is the Soviets were actually got all four soldiers. Caesar is hypocritical and that aspect but he's not actually...
  4. Nicholas the Second

    Fallout renewed for another season

    the only four Fallout games Fallout 1/2 tactics in New Vegas every other Fallout is Todd Howard and that low IQ Italians fanfiction. Fallout 5 will be the same quality as Dragon Age 4 and once great series that has been destroyed by people who don't understand what the series was meant to...
  5. Nicholas the Second

    Fallout renewed for another season

    I'm glad to show exists because it's going to destroy the Fallout franchise and then everyone at Bethesda Studios will be unemployed hopefully Microsoft shuts all of the studios down and someone else acquires the IP rather than this God awful company that's been running into the ground for the...
  6. Nicholas the Second

    My experiences after dming Vaults and Death claws for three years

    I'll take those things into consideration if I ever go back to designing TTRPGS
  7. Nicholas the Second

    Fallout renewed for another season

    I look forward to the totally 100% organic not bought and paid for reviewers saying nice things about it again Oh my God that was the most astroturf campaign on the face of the planet everyone who gave this show good reviews deserves to be beaten with sticks. I don't even think anybody's even...
  8. Nicholas the Second

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    I'd love that but they probably butcher every single thing and insert some nonsense
  9. Nicholas the Second

    Kotaku Sucks

    Anyone who puts fallout 3 above new Vegas is smoking crack
  10. Nicholas the Second

    What Fallout Game Would You Remake First?

    I think there could be a lot of things that could be fixed in fallout 1 and 2 I see no reason why I can't save the intelligent death clause they are the best addition to the game and they are not too wacky. I know those mods and all that but I really wanted the legion to feel a lot more menacing...
  11. Nicholas the Second

    What's Poisoning the Fallout Community?

    and no particular order political weirdos it's a game it's not that deep one mediocre Italian writer and the people who keep insisting that fallout 3 and 4 are anything besides mediocre shooters with extra steps. There's no divide in the fallout fandom there's people who are fans of the only...
  12. Nicholas the Second

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I had a friend who was a massive southern Hick who told me about fallout 3 but new Vegas already came out so I started with new Vegas which is a good thing because that's the best fall out of my mind. Then a friend of mine gifted me his original fallout 1 and 2 discs and all the manuals I mean...
  13. Nicholas the Second

    the tv show and the confirming fan theories

    The vault tip dropped the bombs to win capitalism cause winning capitalism is killing all your potential customers I would call this tumble fan fiction level writing but that's insulting to Tumblr fan fiction writing
  14. Nicholas the Second

    The Fallout show is shit and destroys the only good thing Bethesdas Fallout had in its universe

    Do people like this TV show the same type of people who like ingesting large amounts of paint chips actually that's insulting that people eat paint chips at least eating lead paint chips from a scientific perspective has a sweet taste this is the type of people who enjoy drinking urine and...
  15. Nicholas the Second

    My experiences after dming Vaults and Death claws for three years

    Yeah that was always an issue we tried to fix it several Times Now couldn't figure out a good system it was more annoying when we had percentiles we got rid of those eventually Yes super mutants are not balanced whatsoever in the game you think that's bad two handed weapon fighting was always...