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  1. E

    zombie survival guide

    Haha You'd think so, huh? Doesn't really matter either way since I would liken to the ways of Barney in The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror III: Homer blows away a zombie Mrs. Krabappel and a few others before finding Barney chomping down on an arm. Homer: [shocked] Barney, not you too...
  2. E

    zombie survival guide

    I'm looking at the book on my bookshelf right now. Anyone else skip over the water survival section?
  3. E

    Todd doesn't get it

    The hard "M" rating he is shooting for is what the game needs. There is no other rating for thie game to have. I don't see how he is in anyway going the way of "Chucky."
  4. E

    Pete Hines Talks to IGN

    Isometric is shit. It's not what made the Fallout games and only stands as an obstacle from fully immersing your-self into the world.