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  1. P

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    $700 used, excellent condition, I'd personally guess the idiot plinker that sold it to me fired no more than 20 rounds through it before he decided he didn't like the recoil, which to me is nearly nothing. No, I don't. I have a SA58Elite and a SA58TAC upper receiver I'll swap onto it. Next I'm...
  2. P

    For all Citizens of the USA

    The laws have been slowly snaking around the constitution, bypassing and undermining it. Americans hardly know the constitution or the bill of rights. Most cannot tell you the rights granted on the first amendment and the only one anyone can tell you with certainty is that the second amendment...
  3. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Metallica - Eye of the Beholder
  4. P

    Paternity and the Broken US System

    The issue is not with the constitution, it's with the amendments and all the idiotic laws that try to dart around it.
  5. P

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Two newest additions, the M1A Socom (nifty little M14 cutdown with some slight issues, made some modifications and swapped out the bolt and now its a wonder) and the Sig X-Five (pic is from their site, since I haven't snapped a shot of mine yet, though I've swapped the grips for some even...
  6. P

    Clothes : your particular style

    Cargo pants in grey, black, tan, or khaki (personal favorite is the 5.11 tactical pant, casual looking, but durable and with hidden pockets in the cargo pocket for spare magazines for my carry arm). Comfortable hiking boots. A single tone t-shirt with a loose button-up shirt over it, or just a...
  7. P

    SiCKO - See it today - Bring tissues and your passport?

    This hasn't always been the issue, not 50 years ago, when only the father worked, not even 10 years ago when both parents worked and still managed to make a comfortable living. Do you realize that our inflation has been increasing exponentially for years now? That between the idiocy of an...
  8. P

    Interplay pays up

    Congratulations, Corinth. Good to see you finally got what you've long been due.
  9. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Nightwish - Eva I'm quite looking forward to their new album, so far I like their new singer better than Tarja.
  10. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Apocalyptica - How Far
  11. P

    Summer reading

    Just finished rereading Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, Unintended Consequences by John Ross, and 1984 by George Orwell. I'm currently reading The Case for Gold, by Ron Paul and Lewis Lehrman. Next up is We, which I have somehow missed before now. Other things in the pile of stuff to read is...
  12. P

    Chocolate Worker falls into Vat

    After successful marketing of dark chocolate and white chocolate, someone decided to have a go at hispanic chocolate?
  13. P

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Whoever that is, he's a goddamned idiot. Doubly so if that's loaded. At least he doesn't have his finger on the trigger.
  14. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Epica - The Last Crusade
  15. P

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Shorter barreled 870 if I'm not mistaken, with a pistol grip and a m4 stock. It's my opinion that every man should own a Remington870 or Mossburg500 or 590 at least, since both are very good shotguns for the money. In either case though, I'll keep my full length one and standard grip and...
  16. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Space marine looking guy with a bedroll. Why not? 7/10 No, it's the Helljumpers (elite marine parajumpers that deploy in crash pods) from the book series, which is remarkably good dispite being related to the game, which I personally disliked.
  17. P

    What would you choose?

    1. James Bond's license to kill 2. Wacko's bag of many things (for those of you not familiar with Animaniacs, it a big bag from which he can produce anything) 3. Being the sole benificiary of the wills of the world's ten richest men. (See number one for details on how this will get me rich...
  18. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Too small, in my opinion, but otherwise somewhat nifty. 6/10
  19. P

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Weapons of war are not meant to be a fashion statement, anyone who judges a service weapon soley by looks is an idiot.
  20. P

    New Fallout 3 concept art

    No. Rushed is unforgivable. Its been illustrated over and over and over to the video gaming industry how haste makes waste, how a rushed game creates an inferior product and how games suffer for it in reviews. There is no longer any excuse for it but management stupidity.