Search results

  1. Dude101

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    I'd be interested in the details. I spoke to Chris Avellone years ago (on myspace lol) and tried to get additional texts and failed. Good luck!
  2. Dude101

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Spoonybard did a lot of voice acting work for FO with his/her radio drama: I tried to get the raw sound from him for a VA FO1 mod but s/he disappeared. If someone could rip or get in contact again some new...
  3. Dude101

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Story Jackal (DEMO)

    This looks pretty cool. I'll be keeping an eye on it. I just had a look over at the Russian forum and man I realised how much I miss the modding scene. Lots of cool stuff happening.
  4. Dude101

    Fallout as a serialized radio drama

    I pinged them an e-mail. There is the potential to build a voice acting mod for FO1 off the back of this.
  5. Dude101

    Fallout 2 mod Anyone ever considered a "Greener mod?"

    A few posts up there is a pinned topic for a database of files. I found what I was talking about in it: GREEN_scenery_MOD by MjDao
  6. Dude101

    Fallout 2 mod Anyone ever considered a "Greener mod?"

    This was kinda done back in 2006. It was a simple tile replacement mod (desert for grass). I can't find it on the nets now as it is so old (check the repo). It looked ugly and no one used it.
  7. Dude101

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    Dominion mod was a demo. I think it was Pavel working on it, but it is abandoned as far as I know. I used to lurk on for updates but have not seen anything on it for years.
  8. Dude101

    Post-Britannia, a dystopian novel

    Thanks. It is a bit weird how Amazon keeps the reviews on its different platforms separate. You are the first on .com there is another one on All the feedback has been positive so far with some constructive criticism. I'm trying to get some more writers to leave reviews. There is more...
  9. Dude101

    Post-Britannia, a dystopian novel

    Thanks, I look forward to reading it. The first review appeared on Amazon a couple of days ago and it was very positive, constructive and honest. I was refreshing the page for a few days and agonizing over what would be said. Thank you.
  10. Dude101

    Post-Britannia, a dystopian novel

    I'm really happy NMA is covering this. I've been on this forum for a very long time and spent my formative years reading, playing and obsessing over post-apocalyptic and dystopian worlds with you all. Now I have a novel out in the genre with more to come in the future. We are putting out some...
  11. Dude101

    Camera angle

    Check out:'s_2d_environment_into_3d Hope that helps.
  12. Dude101

    FallOut2 All-in-one Editor

    New world map: As for maps within maps. I've seen some impressive GUI hacks over the years. Maybe something could be done with the pipboy.
  13. Dude101

    "Fallout: Between Good & Evil" announcement

    Guys, we want their assets but we are not entitled to them. It's their work after all. I can imagine how painful it is to surrender years of labour for nothing but a credit in a read me file. I'm really sad this mod died. I hope we see something come of it eventually.
  14. Dude101

    Fallout 3: Van Buren (Spoilers!)

    I like the new scenery. How goes the writing?
  15. Dude101

    Wasteland 2 released!

    Not sure if you have seen this yet. "The Angry men" Miroslav, Silencer, Tagaziel, Sander, Per, Korin.
  16. Dude101

    Wasteland 2 released!

    I have the blood staff :P enjoying it so far.
  17. Dude101

    Custom Art Repository

    I think you need to find better people to play games with. Your associates sound rather childish and wrongheaded to suggest something is wrong with you because a computer game lets bad things happen. People are so infantalised these days. Denial of moral agency and accountability seems to be a...
  18. Dude101

    Custom Art Repository

    The only way to fix that is to delete the kid FRMs from master.dat and anything in the data folder, this is how is was patched for German release where it was not allowed. Some people have an issue with it. Personally when I play games I want full immersion and do not want the game to care about...
  19. Dude101

    Custom Art Repository

    Making new armour sprites is a lot of work: