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  1. H

    I finished that Grenade Launcher Mod

    [font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-01 AT 09:54AM (GMT)[p]If possible, could you mail me them or upload and post a link to the original full sized grenade launcher + shells pics and the frm files? I lost the models I made for them, so I can't rerender them, and my geocities...
  2. H

    Can anyone tell me the details of the bonus mission?

    >Amazing they cut a entire cd >for that.... No, the bonus cd still has around 500 mb of artwork, animations, concept drawing, movies, and EXTREMELY high res renders (i.e.- To fit an entire high res render on my 1280x1024 resolution screen, I have to zoom out 5 times in PSP. You can see...
  3. H


    I switched weapons, or unholstered one of my huge ones (can't remember which one I did), I talked to him again and then he pissed his pants and gave it to me free of charge. - Hell Patrol -
  4. H


    There's one movie in the middle of the last level, but chances are you've already seen most of it if you've downloaded certain movies online. And of course the end game cinematics, which is the same no matter how you beat it (I enjoyed the cinematics, and acutally laughed during part of the...
  5. H


    >It sure is easier than using >those damn weight limited lockers >though. Or you could use the patented Hell Patrol method of mass carnage by storing all your crap in a vehicle, no weight limit there, either. It's also nice if you use the raider buggy you get in the bonus springfield...
  6. H

    What's the best way to utilize recruits?

    You get rid of bandaged with a doctor bag, but if you're completely healed except for the bandaged modifier, you'll have to take some damage first and then patch yourself up with the doc bag. My current team at the last mission : Hell Patrol - Now concentrated solely on Energy Weapons...
  7. H

    Need help with Bona Vista :)

    Your science skill doesn't get used automatically, select it from the skilldex or use the hotkey "7", after that the doors should open. - Hell Patrol -
  8. H

    Is this a Fan site or a Hater site?

    My vote goes for hater site. I'll submit a lengthy user review to V13 once I'm done with the game tomorrow or so (I just got to the fifth and last BOS bunker last night, and I plan on starting up playing again tonight or tomorrow morning for another multi-hour marathon), but as of right now...
  9. H

    Advice: Turrets in Peoria

    I'm fairly certain that those couple radscorpions are in sneak mode in that part of the level. Certainly adds an aspect that I'm not used to with your enemies able to sneak.
  10. H

    Advice: Turrets in Peoria

    They cycle regularly, wait until you hear them come down, then have either 1 or 2 guys make a mad dash from behind the cover in front of the turrets to the door. I don't think an entire squad could make it unscathed through the doorway, though. Don't go too far past the door without a couple...
  11. H

    Tatics story line

    Wow, you're ragging on FO:Tactics for a "preaty damm bad" story line, yet you praise *FO2* for its storyline?
  12. H

    New Black Isle Game, Torn

    . I'd rather play an interactive FMV yeast infection simulator than another fucking fantasy game.
  13. H

    single player turn mode discussion here

    CTB is 1000x times more rewarding in the entertainment/adrenaline factor to me, and is very good for ambushes and stuff like that. There's almost no question that at some parts in the game you will almost undoubtedly HAVE to switch to TB, though, as some battles can get pretty damn frantic...
  14. H


    [font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-01 AT 01:17PM (GMT)[p]About it being a bug, I think so. But the doctor bag DID heal my bandaged state along with some hit points when I wasn't at full health, but when I try to use it on my bandaged char in perfectly good health, since there's...
  15. H

    I am really mad at EB right now

    Mines coming tomorrow, too, and I don't have a doubt it won't come tomorrow... UPS never seems to fuck things up for me. UPS tracking codes on detailed mode are a godsend, they show which city and UPS station it's currently in, if it's been scanned yet, and what day it's scheduled to arrive...
  16. H

    Zar viewer

    >Well, it's still not being released >for a week otherwise everyone >will have images of the >dead boss in their signatures >etc... I THANK YOU. I already caved in and downloaded the intro movie once I saw my UPS tracking code won't have my game at my house until monday, and I...
  17. H

    Half of the Tactics team FIRED?? (duck and cover news articl

    RE: Holy shit, this may be even more disturbing than I previ Getting fired the day the project they've worked so hard on and too so much shit for the day it went gold... that is one of the most cynical and heartless things I've ever heard. FOOL needs to be stopped. Interplay needs to realize...
  18. H

    Half of the Tactics team FIRED?? (duck and cover news articl

    Holy shit, this may be even more disturbing than I previousl What if Greg is right in his comment "Fallout Tactics two was traded for Fallout Online by the wonderful people running the show."? I would not know how to react to that... While as of now...
  19. H

    Half of the Tactics team FIRED?? (duck and cover news articl

    RE: I don't think it's a prank: >It honestly sounds like something that >Interplay would actually do. >Nothing would suprise me now, >not even Brian Fargo running >naked in downtown Seattle and >smearing cheese danishes all over >his body while leaving a >fecal incontinency...
  20. H

    Half of the Tactics team FIRED?? (duck and cover news articl

    "Thank you and farewell, Micro Forté - 9:20 PST - Kreegle So Fallout Tactics has gone gold. Huzzah! That must be good news, right? Not for the staff at Micro Forté. Half of the Fallout Tactics team was fired today. Artists, programmers, QA... and the reasons for it are unbelievably...