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  1. NovaRain

    Condensed Temple of Trials for Restoration Project 2.2+ - Version 1.3

    Simplified the map further. Some branch paths have been cut or shortened.
  2. NovaRain

    Condensed Temple of Trials for Unofficial Patch & vanilla game - Version 1.3

    Simplified the map further. Some branch paths have been cut or shortened.
  3. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    Zip gun is a cut content in FO2. The only place you can find its name is pro_item.msg.
  4. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    Just noticed that all long guns (rifles and shotguns) in Sonora are considered as "Big Guns" (they have the weapon flag set, and the change of the skill FRM also reflects this), so the description of the Small/Big Guns skills need to be changed.
  5. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    The devs updated Sonora DLC in Feb 1, and MediaFire mirror has an older version released in Jan 30. Maybe it's about some hotfixes and text changes (English translation of DLC 1.04 seems based on Jan 30 release). The main Sonora is still the same Jan 30 release. I've added checksum info to my...
  6. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    I remade iface and hr_iface_800 in English in my own way, just being nitpicking on a couple of minor details. And I made invbox, loot, and use based on Sonora's custom versions instead of using vanilla graphics. As for tx_pntb, I took the extended MVENUM.frm from sfall to allow displaying AP...
  7. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    I updated the sfall support pack, with dev build of sfall (has a few more fixes) and some edits on interface graphics.
  8. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    I also updated the mirror, in case someone's ISP blocks domain.
  9. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    Here's a mirror of official Sonora and Dayglow 1.15: MD5: 82C56E0D5D7D7FED4840018449B542A2 SHA1: 894126323510CC34153E174AB4CD650196A07FC4 SHA256...
  10. NovaRain

    How to set CORRECT widescreen resolution for Fallout 2

    If the desktop resolution is 1366x768, have you tried running in fullscreen windowed?
  11. NovaRain

    UP and RP updates

    About the interface bar, official German and French FO2 use old FO1 art: I made a proper FO2 interface bar for French after I learned the font for "Skilldex" label is Brush Script. Also, someone made a new one for German in UPU/RPU but didn't translate the buttons, so I created them as well...
  12. NovaRain

    Follout 2 easy way to get Broken Hills chests.

    It's been fixed in the unofficial patch nearly 20 years ago.
  13. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Getting a lockpick for tagging Steal/Lockpick has nothing to do with FIXT. It's been in FO1 since the very beginning, just the starting loadout was exploitable due to FO1 scripting limitation.
  14. NovaRain

    UP and RP updates

    That means you didn't set up your mapper correctly. Here's how it looks like on my side:
  15. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Scripting Help Needed - object can't read inventory of another object?

    It's "obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(object obj, int pid)" and you passed a PID as an object pointer. And if you want to see a (debug) message in the message box, just use display_msg(), like display_msg("obj_is_carrying_obj_pid: " + Item_Added);
  16. NovaRain

    UP and RP updates

    UPU and RPU v32 have been released, quoted from BGforge: UPU and RPU v32 With version 32, UPU gets its usual share of bug fixes. RPU, in addition to that, receives a second release branch, 2.4, which finally includes Pixote's updated maps. 2.4 notes RPU 2.3 (aka "stable") is not...
  17. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 utility Fallout - ProtoManager

    Your path in "location of save folder" is wrong.
  18. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    For strings, it's just from a simple hex comparison of the two binaries. For code changes, I use Microsoft's dumpbin.exe to dump both into disassembly text file, then check diff results and their addresses in IDA Pro database to find out what those changes are. Other than sound decoding hacks...
  19. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    Yes, I forgot to mention that. If one only uses your .dat instead of DLC zip, they will have no new music.
  20. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    FSonora.exe (or FSonoraDLC.exe) basically has these sfall settings embedded: WorldMapDelay2=66 VersionString=FALLOUT SONORA 1.14 (FSonora.exe) VersionString=FALLOUT SONORA 1.14+DLC (FSonoraDLC.exe) PatchFile=patchDLC.dat StartYear=2167 StartMonth=3 StartDay=11 And it changes the window title...