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  1. Von Drunky

    How Long Has It Been Since You Last Played...

    I finished Fallout 2 over the weekend. Took my time with this playthrough only spending a couple of hours a week on the game. Got a really strange inconsistent ending with Vault City and NCR.
  2. Von Drunky

    Chatroulette !

    Aside from the usual drinking? Well fucking bitches, unemployment, i started snorting blow for a bit, Chatroulette. What else, umm got a B+ on my logic midterm. I hear you're up for ordership, congrats. Tell BN to unlock my PM so I can try and weasel myself back into the Order.
  3. Von Drunky

    Chatroulette !

    That blows. I <3 Chatroulette. My broker friend and I have been playing this for over a month now, usually drunk. Couple of nights ago some weirdo with a "broken" camera asked us to act out some shit but it got too weird so we nexted him.
  4. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    That's sorta how i feel inside right now. Didn't even addition for the Brighton Beach show. Yet, I still get by ok i guess. Woke up next to my friend that day perhaps that is why i smelled like vagina?
  5. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Just checking in.
  6. Von Drunky


    I read about this dude before. He hid the film rolls of his work on the West Bank barrier better then his cocaine when he was going to the airport.
  7. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Oh man a Gary Numan reference!
  8. Von Drunky

    Shanty Town

    Debatable, its more likely a shemale or Hoxie rather then an actual woman.
  9. Von Drunky

    Shanty Town

    Hey Alec, why are there no visible women in Shanty Town? All I see is a bunch of trigger happy drunks. Whatever the case, your child like take on the grim reality of the wasteland is amusing nonetheless.
  10. Von Drunky

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 also: HIGH AIDS RATE
  11. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Thats way too neat and grammatically correct to be my handwriting, alec.
  12. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    if I wasn't holding that 40oz this could have taken place anytime during the past 50 years or so.
  13. Von Drunky

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    I love Lady Gaga and Becket, both of their messages should be placed in the equilibrium on the same simple level. That is to say that while being confidant in one's action and discourse of day to day or century and so fourth can be changed in a moment by a simple whelp or any other form of a...
  14. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Okay so lets try this again but with ASIANS! I<3 BN
  15. Von Drunky

    recognize this?

    Smells like lawsuit.
  16. Von Drunky

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    Check it out Gaga stole our shit, lets riot!
  17. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Yeah I fucking hate twilight. Look at this bullshit: If you're going to tweeze your eyebrows don't be so obvious about it. Anyway, here I am drinking alone:
  18. Von Drunky

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    What are you basing this on? The game had characters that were under 100 years old most of which had other things to worry about. All they need to know was: "Oh see that Werewolf?" "Yea?" "Run like hell!". But their were also characters, which were mentioned but you only got to meet a few...
  19. Von Drunky


    This really should be put in spoiler tags because it ruins the plot completely. Over all the movie was crap and way too long. I've seen it in "real 3D" or whatever and wished I was on drugs. Very pretty movie and most of it seems to be playing with visual stimulation however by the end it...
  20. Von Drunky

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    The game tells you that you can't play a non-combat character in the very beginning via Jack.