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    Fallout 3 modding wiki

    i'll submit my content when it's finally finished don't worry, data savant.
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    Gamespot Gameplay Video is Up

    your precisely, concisely correct! however... all the errors anomalies and bugs and untaken opportunities will really offer some good mods. if your gonna get the game, get it on pc for sure.
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    Gamespot Gameplay Video is Up

    You mean the gravity gun beta? i honestly thought it was a great idea, but its still a just a gravity gun that makes use of the stupid shit you couldnt do anything with in oblivion... unfortunately i doubt the physics will be as good as it was in hl2, the frame rate itself seemed rather nasty...
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    FOnline travellog

    wow i've checked out the screens, the story, the news, and the site, and i'm very impressed something like this got anywhere near as far as it already has. and so far it looks rad and amazing. it looks fun too. i hope i get to be part of the fall testing. i'll keep it in mind. Good luck...
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    Fallout mod for Defcon

    hey, i for one have been anticipating this fo ra while, and am concerned at the lack of posts at the introversion forums! was the project scrapped? i thought the thing looked really hot! making one of the ships an oil tanker (battleship maybe) could be a nice touch... i'd suggest making...
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    Fallout Ten year anniversary video, "Please Stand-by&qu

    I thought this was really good: I also liked these: one minute long metal music video: Gauss gun's from STALKER, FALLOUT, REAL-LIFE...
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    F3 Collector's Edition/Commemorative edition

    I wonder if bethesda is planning on a commemorative edition. Of course us fans will jump on it like a dog on a three legged brahmin. In any case, I realize so much effort is being spent in production, but i do hope to see some kind of special edition. Here's a few idea's i've had the past year...
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    post apocalyptic flicks? also known as "How i stopped worrying about Iran."
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    fallout 3D items

    i like the helmet, just a bit short (although it looks like the environmental armor helmet from BoS) Bethesda could use a chap like you...
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    Vault Boy Awareness Day

    I love the idea of a "Vault Boy Awareness Day" day for June 1! Try and stay cool this summer