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  1. W

    Comprehensive FO:T Engine Bug List (1.27)

    Don't take my word for it, I read it from another poster, but he might be some sort of shady character for all I know! ;) From that post, it isn't entirely clear if this applies to all obstacle collisions, or only to destructible ones. It should be straight-forward to test - load the punch...
  2. W

    Fallout Tactics AP ammo patch.

    I know raics has rebalanced both ammo types and armor values for Equilibrium, but I don't think there's a stand-alone patch.
  3. W

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    This is a rather basic question, but are there any other bugfix mods that should be installed in addition FTSE if all you want is a smooth, (mostly) bug free vanilla game? FT Improver, maybe?
  4. W

    We were somewhere around St. Louis when the Psycho began to take hold.

    We were somewhere around St. Louis when the Psycho began to take hold.
  5. W

    Comprehensive FO:T Engine Bug List (1.27)

    I've seen that mentioned in an old thread here too. It explains why you can take out the turrets at Peoria with melee characters. Honestly, what this game needs is comprehensive documentation of how each trait, perk and skill works in practice. The Fallout wiki is nearly useless for explaining...
  6. W

    Comprehensive FO:T Engine Bug List (1.27)

    Linking to the doc in the github is definitely a good idea. One unconfirmed bug I've seen mentioned in a video is that the HtH Evade perk does nothing in CTB mode. Also, there seems to be an issue that some perks (Silent Death, Slayer?) only apply to unarmed attacks, not melee.
  7. W

    Misc. odd behaviors in combat engine

    I've been watching a Let's Play recently, and your analysis of the Bonsai perk explains why Harold's texture bugs out in it. Harold starts with both Bonsai and the Way of the Fruit. The only way Bonsai could be remotely considered useful is if the Way of the Fruit perk also had an expanded...
  8. W

    Comprehensive FO:T Engine Bug List (1.27)

    Is the OP still up to date regarding to which bugs are fixed in FTSE and which aren't?
  9. W

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Has the club always had the knockback perk? It seems to knock back enemies one square for each 5 points of damage, like the sledgehammer and super sledge, but Per's guide doesn't mention it.
  10. W

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    You (can) get both the hunting rifle and the SMG in Vault 15. And I would argue that the hunting rifle is better than the assault rifle (8-20 dmg vs 8-16 dmg), especially since there shouldn't be more 5mm ammo available until you reach the Hub, IIRC. My main point is, there really isn't a point...
  11. W

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I want to make a longer post about tweaking the weapon progression sometime, but just as a random thought for now, how about changing the shotgun you can get from Vault 13 security for an assault rifle? Normally, the first time you can get an assault rifle is in the Hub. But for single shots...
  12. W

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Hey, chiming in to say it's magnificent that Fallout 1 is still getting this kind of attention. I just reinstalled it and promptly got killed by rats. Ah, the nostalgia... I'm not caught up with this thread, or the current state of Fallout modding in general, so I hope you don't mind if I shoot...
  13. W

    Fallout 2 aimed shot bonus to crit chance

    If you're trying to find out how the formulas work in the original games, using YAAM is a bit counter-productive, no? For example, I'm pretty certain that the remaining DR on armor-bypassing crits is something that YAAM introduced. I can tell you this much for certain: In FO1, an...
  14. W

    Do companions become useless later on? (FO1)

    You must be the first person who complains they don't do enough damage. Their damage is perfectly fine. Give Ian the .223 pistol, Tycho the LE Red Ryder or a sniper rifle, and Katja a power fist or ripper. They won't one-shot super mutants left and right like you can with the turbo plasma...
  15. W

    Charisma in F1

    The modifier to barter prices is pretty irrelevant. NPC reactions also get affected by your karma. Let me quote Per's guide at you: What this amounts to, basically, is that CHA is irrelevant in the mid- to late-game, if you're playing a good guy. CHA helps getting good reactions early on...
  16. W

    Armor-bypassing crits vs. toughness

    Usually, the most common way to die in the late-game is an armor-bypassing critical that deals triple-digit damage. Supposedly (according to this thread), such criticals only ignore DT not resistance. Yet in my personal experience, (using the Red Ryder LE gun in FO1), such critical hits ignore...
  17. W

    Nightkin Attack

    It won't help your current playthrough, but the FO1 NPC mod allows you to order Dogmeat to wait for you, amongst other things. It's even possible to just install that part. Read more in that topic.
  18. W

    [FO1] Do ammo modifiers actually work?

    CubiK2k seems to have taken a good look under the hood, he'd be most qualified to answer that. As it is, the bug seems to be for all ammo modifiers in general. It's confirmed that neither damage nor resistance modifiers work, there's no reason to believe that AC modifiers do. There's a...
  19. W

    Fallout 2 one hander weapons chart

    That's the relevant quote from Per's FO2 guide. All other weapon handedness can be told from which animation they use.
  20. W

    [FO1] NPC mod question

    Thanks a lot. That's actually what I tried on my own earlier, but I already had Dogmeat in my party at that point. But it makes sense now why it didn't work.