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  1. G

    Fallout Developers Profile - Chris Jones

    Where is this interview? Do you have an archived version (besides Wayback machine)?
  2. G

    Best Bethesda site

    Some Polish bro has registered site and made it actually interesting despite Bethesda content. Todd Howard has personally blessed it. :fuuyeah: Discuss.
  3. G

    10 best games.

    1. Age of Decadence 1. Fallout 1. Sacrifice 4. Arcanum 5. Vampire The Masquarade: Bloodlines 6. Starcraft 7. Desperados 8. Aliens vs Predator 9. Disciples 2 10. Giants: Citizen Kabuto First three games deserve #1 spot hence there is no #2 and #3.
  4. G

    Age of Decadence?

    Along with Fallout 1 it's my favourite RPG. Combat is great, plot and dialogues are top-notch and characters are very memorable. It has also quite a few cool plot twists that will make you chuckle. There are no fetch-quests here, no grinding and in general this game doesn't waste your time but...
  5. G

    Brian Fargo on Wasteland 2 and Fallout 4

    Fargo should be thrown into a dungeon for throwing out Kevin Saunders. I've lost all respect for him.
  6. G

    The Age of Decadence has now been released

    Yup, this game is the best thing since Fallout 1 so buy it people and become a part of a history event in game industry. Regardless how well it will sell Age of Decadence will become one of the legendary classic games (among Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, Arcanum, Planescape Torment, Betrayal at...
  7. G

    Fallout Fixt 6.0 Alpha Released

    Awesome. Thank you for working on this Sduibek :).
  8. G

    Kotaku Ranks The Fallouts

    What? Junktown "gang" was on Gizmo's payroll and they were basically a cheap source of muscle for him. They were basically "raiders for the poor" that liked to do whatever they wanted. As for The Blades, we don't know much about them so saying that they have no grounding in reality is...
  9. G

    Kotaku Ranks The Fallouts

    Who said that exactly? I only remember that creator(s) of Fallout 2 said they went overboard with silliness and humour. With random encounters, exploding people when they were talked to by a retard and many funny dialogue options it's hard to believe they would say that.
  10. G

    Kotaku Ranks The Fallouts

    Same here, I'm currently replaying F1 for the 50th time. F2 on the other hand I've played from start till end maybe 2 times + a couple of times a bit before I got bored. In Fallout 1 every location and every quest is pure gold (there are no fetch quests here, the only thing I can think of is...
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    Kotaku Ranks The Fallouts

    Nicely put shihonage, totally agree. Fallout 1 has that something that makes the game timeless, Fallout 2 on the other hand, while entertaining and with interesting quests doesn't have such quality about it (FNV is even worse and F3 is shit). I'll never forget characters such as Aradesh, Master...
  12. G

    Wasteland 2 portrait art

    I love the first one, the second is OK.
  13. G

    Underrail preview at RPG Fan

    I've stopped reading at this point.
  14. G

    The Age of Decadence third beta released

    @Geech Let me guess, too hard for you? There is awesome button for exactly such players. I've been replaying AoD for days now and each time find something new. Really interesting quests and dialogues (especially the Militiades one, it's hilarious) and enjoyable combat which requires a bit...
  15. G

    IGN's Top 100 RPG list is Pretty Stupid

    Yay for NMA list of RPGs. RPG Codex will surely repost it so it won't go unnoticed. As for this list I haven't even clicked on the link, I don't want to improve their stats so they could bring more of this shit in the near future.
  16. G

    Black Isle Studios is back

    No it's not. It's much shorter and easier even including "hidden" mission. Basically it's like 1/3rd of SC1 but with better graphics and cut-scenes. It's still a good game and probably worth it's price but it doesn't compare to the old one.
  17. G

    FO2 TC: Fallout of Nevada

    If it wasn't in Гражданский шрифт but transcribed to normal letters I could probably understand some of the things. Anyway, thanks for your effort and I hope I will see a Czech or English version (or Polish, assuming it would be translated directly from Russian).
  18. G

    Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics 66% off

    Fallout 1 was being given away for free on GOG not that long ago. This steam daily deal is nothing impressive if you ask me. Fallout 2 would cost me 5.99 $ (19.618448 PLN) on GOG and 3.39 euro (13.724754 PLN) on Steam if I were to buy them now. But that's comparing a standard price with a...
  19. G

    Chris Taylor "Geek of the Week" Q&A

    Wow, great stuff. Thanks for posting this. I hope he will work at inXile or Obsidian in the future.
  20. G

    Fallout: Tactics Redux Mod released

    I've found a strange bug. In the Newton mission, after I rescue all of the Reaver leaders they not only do not disappear but one of them becomes the protagonist (so if he dies, game over). While having a 10 person team has it's advantages (carrying items becomes easier and having a bonus guy...