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  1. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    The answer to most of this is that they are idiots. They want to believe they are the only pure humans, even though they can't make a virus selective enough to not kill them, too, which is why they need a vaccine. The whole plan is born out of paranoia and xenophobia, and about as sensible as...
  2. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Queue Emil, floating in blissful ignorance, bragging about his OC committing war crimes.
  3. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    I mean, the issues with the military industrial complex are not really about whether the tanks they make are cool or not. - US military awards contract to manufacture power armor - Manufacturer lobbies for war to justify spending billions of taxpayer dollars on power armor - US government...
  4. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Good at what, exactly?
  5. Jabberwok

    John Deiley interview at The Gamer

    IMO, depends whether the writing and management teams are actual writers, or just people with marketing-brain syndrome
  6. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Yeah, I'd gotten the impression people were happy that they were building on 1, 2, and Vegas, but this sounds more like the opposite, just using it as an excuse to erase the existing setting. Not just wiping out the NCR, but having the Brotherhood do it? The faction that all the West coast...
  7. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    I really dislike how they presented the pre-war era, and also the fact that they represented it at all. To me, Fallout was at its best when it kept its distance from the details on that time, and contented itself with saying that some idiots fought some other idiots and everyone killed each...
  8. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    He means in terms of the Fallout canon, I guess. In that sense, it's true, but it's also a demonstration of why the whole notion of franchise canon is stupid. As you said, the originals still exist and are still the same, they haven't been overwritten by these unrelated products. Honestly, it...
  9. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Nicely diplomatic way of saying 'It's a lot like the new games, which are also bad.' "Does the series embody the core narratives of later Fallouts (3, 4)? Yep, as soon as Lucy says, “I need to find my Dad.” Which has been the plot of most of the Bethesda Fallouts, so… yeah." haha
  10. Jabberwok

    John Deiley interview at The Gamer

    I have no idea what's happening in the show, and anything they do is irrelevant to me. The modern Fallout franchise is a pile of references to the originals anyway, so they can reference away as much as they want, doesn't really matter. I'm more focused on the direction that Fallout 2 itself...
  11. Jabberwok

    John Deiley interview at The Gamer

    I feel like Avellone's point about needing to keep deathclaws as a major enemy type doesn't fully address the issue. In F2 it seems that there are still normal deathclaws, and these intelligent ones are a very specific breed engineered on purpose. The game doesn't need to stop using them as...
  12. Jabberwok

    John Deiley interview at The Gamer

    I have no problem with the talking deathclaws concept, but it does seem like it works as a one-off experiment, like many of the strange side quests in Fallout 2. The article doesn't compel me to believe that making them more central to the franchise would've been a net positive. It just sounds...
  13. Jabberwok

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    Yeah, it's pretty much the shift to consoles that did it. The audience didn't disappear, the total market grew and publishers all gravitated towards the largest part of it. Even the PC games started to resemble console games because everyone wants to put money into whatever they think will make...
  14. Jabberwok

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    My GOG copy runs perfectly with no tweaks. In any case, fixes to keep things playable are fine, but those are not remaster territory. It would be Fallout Tactics. ;D Just kidding, sort of. That doesn't have unit production, though I'm not sure unit production and base building really suit a...
  15. Jabberwok

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    I think this video kind of demonstrates his attitude about that stuff. Also, as Sawyer said in that recent interview, he understands that he doesn't own the stuff he works on, and others can do what they want with it. And Tim obviously has his own tastes, and more personal connections to...
  16. Jabberwok

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    Ah weird. I didn't follow it very closely, since I had no desire to buy the game again XD.
  17. Jabberwok

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    He talked about improvements he would like to make on his channel. I'm sure it would depend on what they changed.
  18. Jabberwok

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    I've heard good-ish things about the D2 remaster, but it's also a case of a company remastering their own game, probably mostly for diehard fans. Blizzard has a large, fanatical, dogmatic fanbase, and even then they haven't always treated their IPs as well as people expected. I have no faith...
  19. Jabberwok

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    I mean, that's what they should've done. But Bethesda likes half-finished features, I guess. They put kids in Fallout 3, but they were invincible. You could ride horses in Skyrim, but you couldn't attack from horseback. They include edible food, but it's useless. They include followers, but no...
  20. Jabberwok

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    Unless something has changed, this is how the games currently are everywhere. My copy of F1 from GOG has the invisible kids in it, or I'm pretty sure that's how it worked last time I checked. For Beth's own games, I'm not surprised they just made invincible kids, considering it's their go-to...