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  1. T

    Fallout DS?

    i would prefer psp version. though playing on ds has some perks, psp is stronger system and i believe gameplay cutbacks wouldn't be necessary (it would allow "bigger" game)
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    Difficulty? Help me decided where to start.

    New Vegas seems pretty easy to me. I'm playing on normal (only because I don't like having to shoot somebody in the head 20 times) and hardcore. I've played for 7-8 hours and didn't die once. there were enemies that were harder to kill, but nothing too hard. if difficulty would give enemies...
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    deciding on 4 eyes

    oh, i thought glasses themselves give PER +2 I guess that PER +2 simply refers to my char's perk. glasses themselves actually don't give bonus. thanks.
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    deciding on 4 eyes

    no it's not. it's supposed to be that way. @ whirlingdervish - thanks for the tip, but I prefer to find it myself. edit: i found them, but now I have different issue: my PE is 7 four eyed should give +1 hat should give +1 and glasses themselves should give +2 and my PE is 9...
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    deciding on 4 eyes

    i played for few hours and still haven't found glasses. and I'm four eyed. I guessed It's easy way to increase stats but completely forgot about helmets :wall:
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    Impressions you got about F:NV on Eurogamer

    sound interesting, can't wait to try it :)
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    The Fog Fall - a Post-apoc flash game

    sounds interesting, I'll check it. thanks :)
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    Creepiest part in Fallout 3?

    nothing was especially creepy, but if i had to chose, it would probably be point lookout when faced to those hillbillys with shovels
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    Is F3 a part of the Fallout canon?

    I'm wandering because most "older" players consider FOT canon but not F3. That's why I thought direct comparison would be interesting.
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    Is F3 a part of the Fallout canon?

    can somebody elaborate on why fallout tactics with it's midwest settings would be considered canon and fallout 3 not? maybe someone can make a list like: BOS----------------------FOT ok because...F3 not ok because..... Super mutants------------FOT ok because...F3 not ok because..... maybe...
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    Recommend DOS Games Here!

    king's bounty (no, not remake :D) ufo: enemy unknown ishar series (ishar 2 was my favorite) syndicate (original, not wars) adventure games like monkey island 1&2, but it's better to play them with scummvm
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    Favorite CONSOLE Rpgs

    probably chrono trigger and suikoden 2 vandal hearts was nice with tactical combat
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    delay or not delay new vegas?

    if it will help new vegas to become excellent game, even 10 years isn't too much.
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    delay or not delay new vegas?

    if it will make it better game, delay it for 2 years! there are always other games to fill the void :)
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    Weird/Stupid fears on gaming?

    hell yeah! it's hard to remember all games, but this comes to mind: Ishar 2, I believe it was Akeer's island. I was afraid of the witch. the atmosphere itself wasn't so scary, but I was SO afraid that she will kill my crew aaaaaaaah :D I've recently played F.E.A.R and in one scene I...
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    perk every level or every 2?

    I agree with verevoof. in Fallout 1 and 2 it was really fun choosing perks and it made my game more interesting. I didn't like it in FO3, there was never problem with choosing between 2 perks because I knew i'll take the other one soon also.
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    50 Greatest Characters of all time

    this list is far from what I would make. they didn't even choose best characters from games. Nameless One over Morte? Fallout boy over many great characters in Fallout world? the list goes on....
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    Fallout Trilogy

    [spoiler:076ff11c56]iirc, there is another rope at vault 15[/spoiler:076ff11c56]
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    Secret Blocking Hex..... lol

    When I opened this topic I clicked done on the first picture to close it. :facepalm:
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    Now....any new skill ideas?

    I always thought it would be interesting to merge few skills, especially because some of them are not so useful. for example, throwing skill would be merged with other combat skills, throwing knifes would associate with melee, grenades with small guns and plasma or pulse grenades with energy...