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  1. K

    Cool! Tesla tanks in Fallout! Cross promotion with Red Alert

    The violence quote: "Violence done well is fucking hilarious" isn't an exact quote but it IS the precise sentiment that was expressed in the Gamers With Jobs podcast they did a month or so ago with someone from Bethesda. My jaw dropped at that one. The "dialogue being a battle" quote is...
  2. K

    Bethesda`s odd moral - karma (some spoilers)

    Amen to this quote, brother! I was standing in the bar when Burke murdered Simms, the sheriff AND mayor of Megaton. Not a _single person_ in the bar raised an eyebrow. So I took it upon myself to kill Burke. The ghoul cleaning the bar didn't even look up from his damned radio. Did the...
  3. K

    Fanboy Thoughts

    While the special request could fill certain...ah...needs, I think that #s 1-10 are all cool ideas that maybe will be considered by the mod community someday. Although, speaking seriously for a moment, having _thoughtful_ epitaphs on the tombstones would be nice. After all, it looks like the...
  4. K

    Time to bump up the difficulty, I guess

    So I emerged from the Metro Central station and was attacked by four (4) super mutants, on "Normal" difficulty. Armed only with my trusty Chinese assault rifle, I took them all out needing but a single Stimpack to top myself off. In retrospect, I imagine if I hadn't just stood in the...
  5. K

    Where Did Lucas Simms Go?

    The most immersion-breaking part of the whole exchange is that regardless of whether (1) Simms kills Burke, (2) Burke kill Simms, (3) they both kill each other, (4) you kill Burke while he's still talking to Simms, NO ONE in the entire town remarks on the outcome. The town sheriff and mayor...