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  1. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Oooh, shiny! Thank you very much!
  2. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Hey guys :) So, I updated sfall to, along with the modderspack, and now I get the following error when I compile a script: Any ideas what it is / how to fix it / how I can get around it? Currently, my scripts aren't compiling. Below are the contents of the "Details" section...
  3. Ardent

    Ardent's Fallout 2 Mod - Announcement

    Certainly didn't expect this one to be dug up :P But it warms my heart all the same :) What Lexx said is accurate: I am extremely unlikely (as in: virtually completely unlikely) to resume work on Ardent's Mod. The reasons are (in no specific order): AM was my early work, and now I would have...
  4. Ardent

    Hard West - a weird west tactical game

    Hey everyone, a gameplay video for Hard West has just went live:
  5. Ardent

    Are there any Homeworld fans here?

    I meant as in running-RUNNING OUT :) Where there's hardly anything left that could be used, or it's buried so deep, it's actually cheaper to fly past Mars and bring it back from an asteroid. Not that we'd have resources for rocket fuel when such a shortage happens, unless the infrastructure was...
  6. Ardent

    Are there any Homeworld fans here?

    Unless the resources on earth start running out and we have to import them from space. I'm not saying it's something that'll happen in the next 20 or even 50 years, but eventually, as demand for the basic mineral resources grows, somebody somewhere will find it profitable to start mining rocks...
  7. Ardent

    Are there any Homeworld fans here?

    Absolutely a fellow fan here. I loved the colorful backgrounds in the Homeworld series - it was such a refreshing sight/concept from the blackness of 2001:Space Odyssey or Star Wars for that matter. I remember it made me read up on nebulae and other space objects other than stars and planets...
  8. Ardent

    Hard West - a weird west tactical game

    Thanks! :) There are several scenarios in the game, and unless something changed that I'm not aware about, they may be set in various time periods of the Wild West, with a preference for the later era (1870+). Bear in mind that Hard West is not a pure "western" game - it has fantastical...
  9. Ardent

    Hard West - a weird west tactical game This is what I'm working on when not making Mutants Rising :smile: Hard West is a tactical combat game mixed with worldmap exploration and character development, set in a weird west setting. To give you a better reference, take XCOM combat, HOMM world map, sprinkle...
  10. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Nice work, phobos2077! Downloading now...
  11. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Thanks for the release, Timeslip! Much appreciated! I was wondering about the script editor; how long would it take you to add an auto-fill/hint function? Do you think it's feasible in your current timetable? FSE doesn't work well on my computer anymore and I use sfall-specific functions more...
  12. Ardent

    Fallout 2 editing store inventory

    You must compile the scripts. You did right to edit the .ssl files. Now, google "sfall sourceforge" and find the sourceforge page of sfall. In the "files" section, there'll be something called "modderspack". Download it and unpack. You should have a folder called "script editor". When you run...
  13. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Well, no, I can't say with 100% certainty that it's the gvar value that gets fucked up - I would need to reproduce the bug with the debug log on and see what it gives. But in casual testing it seemed so - if you load the game where the gvar had a value of game_time + 30 seconds, and the check...
  14. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    No, it's only for in-game time. Actually, I have it like this right now; I'm setting a global variable to game_time + 30 in-game seconds, then check in critter_p_proc for the time. If game_time > GVAR, subtract some Hit Points. In theory this shouldn't cause any problems, but our tests showed...
  15. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I have a sfall related question: how would I go about measuring time in a global script? I want the script to subtract some HP from the player character every, say, 30 seconds. Should I use set_global_script_repeat? Or maybe there's some timer function I've missed? I don't want to use the...
  16. Ardent

    obj_is_carrying_obj_pid() or obj_carrying_pid_obj() ?

    These two functions are different. obj_is_carrying_obj_pid() returns an int, while obj_carrying_pid_obj() returns a pointer. That means the first one is used to e.g. check how many 10mm pistols the player has in the inventory, while the other is used to point to the 10mm pistol that the player...
  17. Ardent

    Shania of Arroyo

    Fun fact: one of the characters in Mutants Rising is called Shania. They are completely unrelated though. @Endocore: I really dig your work, man. I played some RP with your Miria mod and it was awesome! I'll make sure to include Shania on my next playthrough.:clap:
  18. Ardent

    Fallout 3: Van Buren (Spoilers!)

    Sorry to say, but we don't have any unique ghoul or supermutant critters. We are using the sprites that have been made available in the New Animations thread, and in the RP. IIRC, there was a "tanned" supermutant by X'il, and Pixote made a "flesh" ghoul. I believe there is also a new ghoul...
  19. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I seem to have found a bug in the set_perk_freq() function. When set to 0, you get perks every three levels, as usual (I guess that's intentional). When you set it to 1, you get a perk every single time you level up. If you set it to anything greater than 1, you stop getting perks at all. Tested...