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  1. P

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    Logged in years after just to comment on this abomination which is called now Fallout 4. I really thought it couldn't be worse than FO3. Dumbed down to Oblivion (or skyrim). Been too much optimistic I see. At least I've expected decent graphics but we won't even get that. Can't really see any...
  2. P

    Rumor: Fallout: New Vegas features

    This stuff is ok, except fot being able to "discharge accumulated radiation". That's pretty stupid.
  3. P

    List of files packed in *.bsa?

    Can someone please post this list? I've messed up something when I tried to change some of them. Now I need to know the correct list to repack them.