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  1. Moloch Horridus

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I have had hours of fun after installing ePSXe Playstation emulator yesterday playing Wip3out. Rumbling through dust covered boxes in the dimly lit cellar was fun too, but this is even better! 8-)
  2. Moloch Horridus


    Have it, going to keep it. Wife likes it. Full beard that is. Keeping it pretty short though. Wife likes it that way. If it was just me around here, I'd go Unix.
  3. Moloch Horridus

    Alpha Protocol

    Yeah, wait until last Taipei mission and first Moscow missions... that's where the shit(ty game design) really hits the fan. What kind of a "roleplaying game" really forces you to build a all-out fighting character in an espionage setting? A shitty one. By the way, no need to answer my...
  4. Moloch Horridus

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Alpha Protocol. Just when I came to a conclusion that this game was worth it no matter how buggy, Omen Deng boss-fight comes along. Well fuck you Obsidian. I wonder now whether to continue playing tomorrow or unistall the game. Ridiculous piece of shit design decision. Altogether the whole...
  5. Moloch Horridus

    What's your GOTY?

    For me Minecraft has easily been most enjoyable gaming experience this year.
  6. Moloch Horridus

    The 'GECK' released with New Vegas...

    Probably pretty much the same way they are supposed to work with hacked PS3.
  7. Moloch Horridus

    PC & NPC base health

    I have been mucking around in Geck and can't seem to find variable in Settings or Globals to edit NPC's base health values globally - could it really be that there is no way to do this? It seems highly unrealistic to me that some some characters have 1-10 base health, most 20-100 and some...
  8. Moloch Horridus

    VATS or not?

    ^ These + the fact that about 60+ % of the time you shoot from cover with 95% chance to hit every other bullet you send towards your enemy hits the wall that was not in a way. Maybe all this was by design, but I consider that broken. Or just plain idiocy. Apparently one can still shoot...
  9. Moloch Horridus

    VATS or not?

    Thanks! If the skills I might invest skillpoints in don't really matter in non-VATS combat, then VATS is what I'll use... if it on the other hand is still "broken" as it was before then what?
  10. Moloch Horridus

    VATS or not?

    Are there combat related perks that are used in VATS only, meaning no benefit if one avoids using VATS entirely? Is there any reason to avoid VATS, is it still godmode-like abomination as it was in unmodded Fallout 3? How much skills do matter in combat outside VATS? How about minigames...
  11. Moloch Horridus

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Any chances getting a Mac version of this release?
  12. Moloch Horridus

    Laptops, durability and warranty

    Wife's iBook G4 is about 5 years old and still running fine. It's been dropped couple of times and got some tea and water from flower vase spilled on to it. The second major drop was pretty bad, straight on the side where power plugs in and the adapter of course was plugged in too. Got mangled...
  13. Moloch Horridus

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Deus Ex & Thief - Deadly shadows. Sneaking is a way of life.
  14. Moloch Horridus

    mouse not recognized

    You don't happen to have a XBox 360-controller plugged in? If so, go to settings > controls and turn it off.
  15. Moloch Horridus

    Ebert: Video Games Can Never Be Art

    I think it might be too scary idea for a veteran critic like Ebert to think that video games might be art, if for no other reason than the fact that the interactive nature of this media makes a player as much of a creator as the game makers. We as players are huge part of making games what they...
  16. Moloch Horridus

    What's the worst video game you've ever played?

    Can't name the absolutely worst game from the top of my head, but from the recently played games I'd pick Cryostasis. While the setting (the Russian icebreaker stuck on North pole) kept me playing almost to the end until the bug forced me to quit, there were just something horribly wrong with...
  17. Moloch Horridus

    Question to all vegetarians/vegans out there...

    I've found it rather funny that every time when people are talking about veganism these arguments always come up: 1. Plants are alive too, how can you eat them? - Yes, but "they" don't have nervous system, nor emotions according to knowledge we have today. If you like to blame vegan for...
  18. Moloch Horridus

    Question to all vegetarians/vegans out there...

    I don't really know what the thread starter means when he refers to products that imitate meat since there are so few of even somewhat imitating alternatives available here in Finland. Steak, just like sausages, nowadays refer more to the form factor of food than the material it's made of -...
  19. Moloch Horridus

    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    True, that is really, and I mean REALLY retarded. No matter who or what you are, not having any regard for the life of another human being is sick. Psychopathic. I don't give rats ass if you're soldier, killing innocent people is just plain wrong. It doesn't matter if you do it because someone...