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  1. M

    Question to all vegetarians/vegans out there...

    lots of old people and people with health issues are barred from eating meats by their doctors so there's that for you
  2. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    one thing I would love to see adjusted/changed When you confront the dutton brothers about them killing the brahim for making drymeat pretending to be scorpions -> they start fleeing waving their hands and running if you go after them the kids in the village start throwing rocks at...
  3. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    maybe it's me being a noobs but when I sell something they never give me my money seriously, I just sold 900 coins worth of stuff and it doesn't showup in my inventory or anywhere ??????? what am I doing wrong or is it because I applied the RP to a patched game...
  4. M

    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    I don't understand how people can defend such actions, even in conscript armies like we had years ago such laxed ROE's are not permitted. You don't engage unless you are fired upon or have 100% visual/other confirmation of target The german one where they killed 200 by opening fire in...
  5. M

    Fallout 50% off on GOG

    a friend of mine had the boxed version of f1 and f2 and when he moved out of his house he trashed them... wonder if they were worth something like y'know those comics that go up in value with time
  6. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    thanks mine gives the 2.02 b version too... gotta admit at first I was a lil taken back by the graphics and walking animations that should have more frames to be smoother, but after retrieving smoke and guarding that guys 'moo-moos' I'm starting to really get into the game, seems to strike a...
  7. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    My version seems to be working correctly with sounds etc but <i can't seem to find that rock everyone keeps talking about... can someone upload a screenshot of the exact location
  8. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    that solved it thanks dx9 mode doesn't run as smooth as the normal hi res one :|
  9. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    trying to get it setup in the options menu you click SCRN but then it gives you 2 options one 'Hi-res' the other 'SFALL' If I try to go to sfall and turn on directx9 mode I get a d3dx9_42.dll is missing I think my dx9 is updated to 9.0c should I search for that file and put it...
  10. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Mash's "Hero Appearance mod" which allows for appearance selection on the game's character creation screen. basically lets you choose the long haired hombre. I'm turning it off
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    gracias, I was confused since in the 1.2 thread it says to apply the patch
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    they have a live feed of some dumb bitch holding a disconnected controller while a fat guy plays with you
  13. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    before this thread gets hectic can I get a few quick questions in? Is it recommended or do I need to apply the latest official patch or do I just install this over a fresh cd install ? Is there anything else (new maps, new models, new graphics, new resolution) I can download to improve...
  14. M

    2D PC games for netbooks/laptops

    I have, 1 2 and 3 and 'desperados' and robin hood... I am able to play the first few mission before getting stuck, those games are like a puzzle and you have to do everything just right with the right timing in order to suceed and frankly I just don't find them that enjoyable...
  15. M

    2D PC games for netbooks/laptops

    The only good xcom's are the ancient DOS ones, they never made a decent modern one Thanks to the guy in this thread that said sudden strike, I've downloaded the latest and after putting the speed at minimum and learning how to control units I've been playing it for 2 hours today and it's...
  16. M

    2D PC games for netbooks/laptops

    I remember playing sudden strike 2 years ago and found the control of units to be quite cumbersome and the gameplay too confusing and unintuitive. But I'm gonna try the 2004 'resource war' one now to give it a second look. As for steel panthers, downloaded it and the patches.... the game...
  17. M

    2D PC games for netbooks/laptops

    I prefer the combat system in age of wonders as you can move about the map and plan a better strategy than in Disciples 2 where character xp levels are much more important than strategy and your options are pretty much attack defend cast spell. What I didn't like about age of wonders 2 was...
  18. M

    2D PC games for netbooks/laptops

    I might have made the mistake of assuming that the latest release in the series (2009-'cc:the longest day') would be the better title... since it was supposed to be a remake and all I tought it would be superior, if this is not the case I'm gonna have to try the 1997 version. For that...
  19. M

    PA-RPG Tech Demo Release

    it sets the default render as opengl but when you switch to sdl render it is so much smoother... anyways tried to attack people and nothing happened so there's not much to say I liked the music and it seems to be a good engine so here's to you achieving what you want with it
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    2D PC games for netbooks/laptops

    Hi, wanted to post this here because I might get some good suggestions: My pc hardware consists entirely of netbooks and old laptops, as I have been made unemployed and have plenty of time on my hands I was thinking about installing games on them. The thing is their video cards are...