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  1. Fuser

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Same here and I have so far attributed this to the same issue that was with the world map etc. That our pc`s now are too fast and are actually slowing the game performance. I`d like to know is there anything that could be done about this issue. The issue happen in fullscreen and in windowed mode...
  2. Fuser

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    And more will surely follow thanks to killap and others amazing work. I am also one of the silent lurkers visiting this site every now and then to see what is happening with the restoration project. I`ve been playing Fallout games since the first one was published and in a way they are a part...
  3. Fuser

    Fallout 2 mod Party Orders add-on and NPCs Loot Bodies mod

    Have there been any developments regarding this? Any way it might be possible? I`d love the ability issue a group command to make npc`s wait if I need to do something alone and then quickly gather them back. Now with five nps`s it a pain in the butt to make them wait one by one and then...
  4. Fuser

    Fallout 2 Savegame Editor

    Thanks for the tip, I`ll check it out. I had some luck with F2SE by changing gender from male to female. Now my character appearance is the normal female hero. Dunno what sort of complications it might bring to the game, but I`ll test it out.
  5. Fuser

    Fallout 2 Savegame Editor

    Is it possible to change character type? I`m currently playing RP2.1.2b as the Bald Dude. I`d like to change my character to the normal hero type. I had a look around F2SE, but did not find a setting for this. Any ideas on this?
  6. Fuser

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Ah, ok. Then it most likely is not an issue, since I used Falche to boost my luck for this male playthrough (wanted to see what 10 luck would bring to the game). The CTD`s seem to have been an issue only with Vault 15 and the ropes so far. I`ve been to Junktown, Hub and Brotherhood and no...
  7. Fuser

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    First a big thank you for this improvement for F1. I`ve been playing F2 with RP 2.1.2b for a while now (it`s awesome) and this made me install F1 for the thousandth time. I`ve encountered the following issues so far: [spoiler:eedaeecf21]- I accepted the rescue mission of Tandi from Khan...